
The bond between friends is something I cherish a lot as a person, I don't make friends easily but when I decide to make someone my friend, I try my very best to make sure he or she doesn't have do things alone again, we do things as one, I am someone who cherishes the bond of friendship but when I had a bitter encounter with someone I call my friend, I decided to just shut off the door to calling people my friends without getting to know them fully well...

I was never like this in the past, but as we all know of the popular saying; once bitten twice shy, I decided to do things differently but as time goes everything healed and that is why I have been able to move on with my life and now I am cool with all my friends and now we do things moderately without interfering too much in each other's personal life...

I have lots of friends but few of them understands me completely and I guess for you to call someone your friend, there must have been this strong and established bond between you and your so called friend, I had this same bond with someone many years ago but now we are still friends but on a different part entirely because he is now a completely different person...


I loved him as a brother and he reciprocated the same, we do things together like brothers would and the question most people asks us is are you brothers??? and we are always like yes we are twin brothers and they will be like wow that is good...

We actually fooled alot of people back then because they taught we were actually brothers, it was fun doing things together as best friends...

I am going to take you guys on a short and quick journey of how I and KAYODE met and how we became friends...



Many years ago after quiting my previous school around primary 3, my parents decided to enroll me in another school with a better and standard learning faculties...

I was then introduced to a particular school which accepts reasonable amount of school fees because it was established for the less privileged, I was introduced by a neighbor and the following week I and my mum went to the school to be enrolled and after filing out the applications, I was taken to the school compound...

All this happened about 9 years ago, I was taken to my class directly because they had just rung the bell for first period, on getting there I was introduced to my class teacher and I also introduced myself to the whole class and my class teacher pointed out a sit for me and luckily for me, that same person was also a new comer like me and from there I unpacked and started my class activities...



One thing lead to another and we ended up solving a maths problem together and we both arrived at the same time, this achievement kick-started out relationship and during break we decided to talk more and from there I got to know he was also enrolled that day and whereas he was also on mufti like me and that makes us the newest member of the class...

As time goes on we started solving mathematics problems together, he was more of a mathematics guru than I am but I was very very good at other subjects and slowly we started bonding well, we played together and also work together...

From days it became days and from days it became months and we were starting to get noticed by all the class that we made friends already, our class teacher already know us as two best friends and because we both are intelligent, we were always doing great...


One day I was sent back home from school and on my way home, I met my best friend and his mum on the way to school and he was like "mummy see my best friend", i saw them and was like "hey kayode" and I greeted his mum too...

She stopped me asked me where I was going to because it was quite late and I told her I was sent home for school fees and she was like okay let's go back together and that was how she took me back to school and pleaded for me to stay that I will be paying up the following week, I was then allowed to stay in school and after that deed, he and I became brothers for life and that was when our real friendship started...

I had to follow him home that day to thank his mum for pleading on my behalf and on getting to their house, I realized my house is just some minutes away from theirs and the next day we started going to school together and I was introduced to his dad...


My friend, his sister, my neighbour and I now started going to school together and in no time I was also taken as a son to his mum and she started packing our food for break together in a big cooler...

The bond between kayode and I grew stronger and now we have started eating from the same plate, we shared one egg together even with the superstition of not sharing one egg, we did it and nothing happened...

We became closer than ever and I was now a family member to them and I also introduced him to my mum and from there we started visiting each other from time to time...


We graduated junior high school together but due to several reasons he was a year ahead of me in senior high school but our bond was still the same but there was changes but It didn't affect us to much...

In summary, I had a very beautiful journey throughout my high school thanks to him because he was the only person I had back then that was as close to me as a brother and till today I still thank God for sending him my way because he actually helped me a lot...

In conclusion, this is the story of my best friend and I, this was how we met, where we met and how it all played out till the very end...


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