
All my life I have always wanted to be a social media influencer, years ago I was a big time lover of facebook, oh yeah guys, facebook has been my all-time favorite social media platform for years, it was the first real platform I used as a young boy, I had this strong bond with facebook than I had with 2go. Facebook was literally the best platform for me until I came to know about the existence of other social media platforms, the likes of instagram and Twitter became my favorite but I loved instagram the more…

I ventured into other social media sites and started engaging with different influencers and famous artists, seeing how a person can have millions of followers in just weeks sounds so crazy and interesting to me, there was a time I heard about how a particular artist bagged a million followers in just a day, hearing and witnessing this made me more determined to become a social media influencer…

I have never thought of becoming a full time social media influencer, I just want it as a side hustle, I have hive as my full time job already, so adding influencer to the list is just a plus one for me…

Which brings us to the question of the day, ”if I were to become and influencer today, what sort of brand will I help influence?”



I am a shoe maker by hand trade, even with the fact that I haven’t completed my apprenticeship, I still have a strong foundation and basic knowledge of how to make some primary footwear, I have made quite a few for myself in the past and I hope to complete my apprenticeship very soon…

Footwear and clothing are two things I love most as a person, I love beautiful footwear’s, the likes of sandals, slides and sneakers are my all time favorites, while for clothing, I am a big fan of baggy tops and trousers, but my favorite wears still remains baggy up and down joggers, I love these type of wears a lot and the best brand for both these smart footwears and comfortable clothing is ADIDAS

I am very sure we all aren’t new to all the products produced by adidas, this particular brand is well known for its slides, sneakers, canvas, clothings and many more products, it is a brand that has been existing for years, I love everything about adidas, they have never failed me in terms of meeting up to their customers satisfaction, I love everything about their footwear and clothing, and being an influencer for their brand will be the best gift from life…


One of the most dominating products in the world right now arefootwear and clothing, we all wear sneakers and slides in our various countries, same way we all love to put on some baggy tops and trousers, the youth are literally taking over the world with this type of dressing, so acting as an influencer for adidas will not just grow my followers, it will also help me build my own personal brand and influence around the world, and most importantly I get my own share of money from every profit they make from their brands…

I want to be well known as a clothing and footwear influencer by my followers, there is big profit in promoting a brand that deals with unisex clothing and footwears, adidas is a big example of such brand, so I am sure this will be a very good and profitable decision for me to make, and it will be a big felony to not promote adidas products, I am a big time lover of adidas products, I love both their footwear and clothing products, they are one of the best for me…

In summary, I am working towards becoming a social media influencer, mufasatundeednut is someone I look up to in this field, and I believe with time I am going to become that great influencer I want to become…


In conclusion, I look forward to seeing that day when I have millions of followers, likes and comments bagged on all my social media accounts, I believe the time is near and with continuous hard work and dedication, I will surely get there someday…

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