Newbies Task 8: Strategic Connections and Engagement For Growth on Hive.

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The 8th Edition of the Newbie Initiative meeting was held on Sunday evening, it was superb and the meeting lasted longer than expected. The topic was Building Hive Connection, it was mainly a discussion about how and why we ought to build connections here on Hive.

I would say we are lucky to have this kind of meeting in our early days on Hive, simply means we are starting and laying good foundations already.

We had the privilege of being lectured by @depressedfuckup who spoke extensively about every possible way to grow well here on Hive. He began by saying the whole essence of social media is to connect with people and most people forget that Hive is a social media because Hive kinda looks complicated. And, most of what he shared with us can be applied to other platforms be it web2 or web3.

My partner for this newbie initiative is @meyateingi, she is always eager to learn more and asks question during the meetings. She's beautiful but rarely takes pictures (WHY?!

@starstrings01, @nkemakonam89, @vickoly were present at the meeting. Individually, they shared some of the growth strategy that has worked and is working for them since their journey on Hive.


Building Strong Connections on Hive

  • Creating Value: like the depressedfuckup had said and I agree with, creating value is a very good way, I mean the best way to build connection is ny creating value. And it could be done in different ways.
  1. One way to do that is by writing quality posts that people like, people can easily resonate with and would eagerly want to engage with.

  2. Another way is by making meaningful comments on other creators post on the Blockchain. A meaningful comment in the sense that it relates to at least one thing about an authors post, could what you feel, think, know or agree with in such post. Don't make a comment if the post it not read and/or well understood. Make comments on only the posts you like and have something good to talk about.

  • Running Projects: most times should be something that promotes Hive in some ways and one good example is the Newbies Initiative, it brings people into Hive, teach them the basic knowledge and also supports them. Having a project that would make you known for something, like you and in turn they like your posts and want to engage more with you.
  • Engagement Outside Hive: this is a simple way and might be a faster way too. Mostly engaging with fellow members on the Discord channels, it is easier to connect with a lot of people on the Discord channels at the same time because everyone would definitely see your chats. Our tutor, depressedfuckup said he got to know many of his Nigerian friends through the Discord channels. Join the Discord channel of every community you like in Hive. Hive is a very big platform and it is easier to be seen and noticed when you engage on the Discord channels.


Detailed Engagement vs "Nice Post"

In all way, a detailed and meaningful engagement will do more good than a mere 2-5 words comment would do. Having a detailed and relating comment would get you support on Hive (I mean, who doesn't like to be supported ?).

Instead of putting "nice post", "beautiful read", "this is good" more about why you think the post is nice, good or a beautiful read.

Better engagements open you up to so many things on Hive, from people to networking to business, to opportunities and money too.


One New Thing To Connect Better

During the meeting, I got to know that I lacked in engaging with members on discord channel. This will be the first thing I am working on to connect better with more people on Hive generally. I tried two already, though it was a predestined dm into two people I respect on Hive and I got to know them through my onboarder. There are still a few left, but I decided to start with these two.

Thank you for reading through🤗

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