Just For Peace To Reign

The type of peace you want is dependent on the type of sacrifice you make.

Sacrifices are called that for a reason, we'd need to leave, for go, ignore, let go or avoid something to get peace. There is always a price for us to pay for the peace we want. Just like in the old days, some countries or tribes go to war to make peace. It might not make sense but the sacrifices needed for the peace they wanted was war; shedding of blood, burning of houses and properties, etc.

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Like the general knowledge.... we know that greatness and success doesn't come overnight. It our daily effort and imput that amount to greatness and success. S

Parents sacrifice a lot to make their children comfortable. Father and mother will deny themselves some pleasures for the children to have enough. The joy of every parent is in the joy of their children. Students study hard enough, many sleepless nights to have high grades and become successful in academics.

One of the painful sacrifices I ever made for peace happened last year. There was this lady who had a crush on me since my first year in the university and I didn't know she still had a crush on me till the 3rd year. She was among my closest friends back then, pretty, jovial and brilliant lady; she used to be the assistant head of class for my department. I had a girlfriend fron first year to second year, so I didn't give her a chance. This lady loves calling me big head, fine boy, my love, you know those names. I most times respond casual to those names because she used to be my close friend.

When I was not aware of her crush on me, I talk to her in exact same ways I talk to my female friends. I show that I care but rarely give them compliments and they complain a lot. But in my head was "what's my business, y'all will get enough compliments when you get your man". Unknown to me this lady get hurts when I do things like that and sincere I was 80% unromantic to them in my first and second year. You know how ladies like their male friends to be, I wasn't at all.

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Third year in school, I broke up with my girlfriend. I wasn't bothered about getting another because I felt like a free bird. I didn't really pay attention to myself but I was becoming that kind of male friend ladies want, to my friends. The lady who had a crush on me had a problem with that. She never believes any compliment I give her. One day she voiced out, told me she can't believe what I say to her especially compliments because I was so stingy with it and I most times call her opposite of whatever I meant, which was true. The problem was I didn't know she has low self-esteem which affected her affections for me. I tried all I could to explain myself, but wasn't valid enough for her and we stopped being very close friends

Last year, we somehow became a little close and she resumed calling me my love. This time, I will call her sweet names too and I make sure I do it more. I was still not aware that she had a crush on me. Two months later, she initiated the chat as usual ( I never texted her first). In the chat, she said I am not careful with my words and do not care about how she feels; said my words were too much and serious. Worse thing.... she said I was only trying to figure out if she likes me.

I was so pissed when she said that. Each time she enters my dm, she starts with my love and other names like that and kept whinning me and I will also play along, what was she expecting while she was doing all that. She spread rumours amongst others and I never explained to anyone excpet those that asked. I preferred to keep my friendship with others and her included. I understood that her emotions were triggered more because she liked me and me playing along felt like I liked her back. Telling others lies about what happened felt so embarassing and demeaning to my person.

For a long time, I avoided anything that would bring us too close. Also, I stopped texting her completely, we only meet in school, greet, ask how she's doing and that's all. I can never allow such happen again to me, my steeze must be guarded.

What's your opinion concerning my decision?

All images wete gotten from canva

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