I Couldn't Keep Up: Lost Momentum and Motivation.

Hostel Fee and Electricity Bill Saga Something You Don't Want To Experience (1).png

It is expected that we should/would become responsible for our lives as we grow older. It becomes a responsibilty to be intentional about many major things in lives without having others to help up with them. Well, this responsibility is a commitment, a duty to be carried out in major aspects of our lives.

If you would ask me the year I was more committed to certain things in my life, I would tell you it was last year, 2023. It dawned on me that it is either now or never: and I knew it could only be possible if I stay committed.

Last year, I took my graphic design skill serious (my dad got retired so I had to sit up more tight) and I just knew I had to become serious at whatever I find myself doing. I went on Youtube, searched for a particular channel that posts what I needed at that time and I replicated every thing I watched in those Youtube videos. It went on for almost two months and there was a big difference: I had improved my skill and gotten more knowledge.

I was consistent with my learning everyday, I get back from school tired but I would still sit in front of the pc to do create a design: it might just be the background then I rest to continue later. I was so committed and consistent but it wasn't for too long.

After two months, the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (the company in charge of electricity) for whatever reasons refused to supply constant electricity. Even the usual the suplly of power is not so encouraging. I remembered well, there was no light for 3 good days and I did not want to risk charging my laptop outside. Hence, I did not do anything related to design for 3 days. As if that was not enough, by the end of the month, the hostel light was disconnected because of outstanding debt. There was no way I could keep up with making designs designs every week (I make at least 3 designs a week)


I Lost Committment, Motivation and Momentum

I couldn't keep up any longer, no momentum, no consistency, no motivation, I was just there hoping everyone owing would pay up soon. But, it lasted for 2 weeks and some days. I lost few design gigs because of lack of elecetricity.

When the hostel electricity was finally connected, I had lost whatever was driving me to become a better designer. I could not keep up with that level of committment anymore, I tried but I got weary easily. And you would agree with me that if one has lost momentum, it is usually not so easy to get on track immediately again.

All hope was not lost

I was lucky to connect with a very good designer in my church here in school. We got quite close and began to share ideas, inspirations, study some great designs out there, send helpful design reels to ourselves on Instagram. And that was how I got back on my feet.... "Iron sharpens iron".... yeah, that was what happened. I was back on my feet.

Thank you for reading till the end

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