
I am a graphics designer, I use compelling visuals to relay my client's message accurately to their preferred audience. I have two (3) years experience in this field and I have gained every necessary basic knowledge needed to thrive so well. I started around November, 2021 and it's funny each time I remember the two times I gave up because I was not getting results like some other guys out there: I was comparing myself with guys who have been into design way before me.

Can AI Replace Designers?

Hmmmmm.... we all know how good and efficient AI can be (depending on how much power and knowledge it has). Since 2022, we have been seeing, hearing and reading a more about AI than ever and we are hearing and seeing more of it: doesn't look like it's gonna end anytime soon, it's the future. Of course there are many AI out there that are built soley for to perform some tasks and there's no doubt that there are AI built for designs too.

Now the questions should be can AI do it like me, like other designers??

I have tried AI prompts to make a design and I have seen other designers try to use it to make designs too, but none were able to give anything so close to what the designer wanted. Only few AI can generate a meaningful logo, yet, I don't think there is any that would make reseach based on the brand identity of the brand before concluding on the best logo to use. What about flyers like birthday, church flyers and other types of flyers, AI can't do that create something good enough.

Is AI creative? this is another question I have in mind. I have seen Ai create cartoons, abstracts, paintings and sketches by user feeding it with a well detailed prompt, but I am yet to see an AI that would create a flyer design with same level of "creativity" it uses in creating those cartoon and abstract pictures.

I believe AI will not take my job (and many other job out there) rather, AI is here to be an assistant, to make work faster, easier and better. I have seen designers on Instagram give prompt to AI to make a particular background for them then the background is used for design. There are so many ways AI could be of good assistance to my niche, you could ask AI like Chat GPT to give let's say 5 points needed to make a logo for a brand. You work on what AI showed you, make further researches and come up with a very excellent logo.

What If AI Truly Take Over My Job

Well, let's just imagine it actually took over. All I need to do is learn how to write good prompts for the AI to give me eaxctly what I need. Then, I master it long enough, put myself out there for peolple to see my results and come to me. I could also arrange a paid class to teach other designers who are struggling with getting design jobs because AI took over. But I strongly beleive that AI can not take over the graphics design niche.

Thank You For Reading Till The End

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