Things I'd miss the most if I weren't a student.


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School will never be a scam to me even when other people keep supporting that vague statement. There is a whole lot of difference between someone who went to school and someone who didn't. Take, for instance, my cousin is older than me by a year and has just finished secondary school. He didn't go to school when they were urging him to go and due to a mistake he committed, my family stopped sponsoring him, after a few years, he made up his mind to go to school but the years that had been wasted had a great toll on him that he couldn't speak good English today even though he went back to secondary school. Still, there was no sign he went to school at all and he found it difficult to read or speak.

He is willing to earn as I do but he doesn't know how to begin or what to do. I saw this and was grateful I was determined to study hard and become someone important among my peers and in society when I was very stubborn and wasn't serious with my studies back then. Being a student has great benefits even though many graduates are unemployed today while most are underemployed, the sign that one went to school is always there. Even if there is no job out there, an individual who went to school and graduated has what it takes to survive digitally.

I made a post about how my cousin disorganised my Dad's phone and couldn't fix it or even have the knowledge to install ordinary WhatsApp, he didn't understand the features of Playstore. Perhaps if he had been focused on his academics with the second chance he was given, he would have been doing well expressing himself and even know a bit of what a phone is, how it is operated and how it can be able to earn a living for somebody.

Being a student is a great privilege for me because there are lots of things I would have missed if I didn't go to school. Some benefits would have slipped away from my hands if I hadn't been a student. An individual who passes through the four walls of the classroom has a different ability and thinking faculty than one who doesn't because the former would understand how technology works, how to work online to make money and not think that using a phone to make money is illegal like the latter would think.

The way an educated person views a matter backing it up with theories will differ from how an uneducated person would because of how locally he or she would think it through. It was when I went to school and studied counselling and psychology that I realized that people don't misbehave without a reason. Being a student has helped me understand people and why they act the way they do. Most times, when people are judging an individual because he or she did something wrong, all I do is put myself in his or her shoes and then try to understand why they did that. I don't conclude immediately without a concrete explanation or judgement because I would think it through first, know why it happened that way and proffer possible solutions.

The way I think. The way I express myself. The way I put ideas together is all possible today because I went to school. There are many times I relate my opinions to what I have been taught in school and how it would come out meaningfully, this is something impossible if I wasn't a student. I have my Bachelor's degree certificate with proof and if I choose not to work with it, I have what it takes to use technology to my advantage. There is no way I would be thinking like a dullard or dummy because I can understand things about technology and what it does to humans.

Also, I am grateful to be a student in the aspect of knowing that health is important and there are things one needs to avoid to enjoy a good life. I will still use my cousin as an example here. He is obese and there have been times I have tried cautioning him on what to eat, engaging in exercises and limiting the food he eats because this guy can eat five times a day without minding his health. This guy can't even lift himself and this is because he lacks the knowledge of health and does not believe in consulting Google for help on anything. He eats whatever he sees, not realising that there are strategies for eating healthily.

Being a student helped me know about all these. I know the importance of health and exercise. Whatever I am confused about, I consult Google for help. I was voice typing on my phone two days ago, and I saw how my cousin opened his mouth widely, stood beside me and saw the magic I was doing because, to him, it was magic and he hadn't seen such before. I laughed and explained to him how it is used. He couldn't believe such a thing existed not until he saw me using it. He wanted to try it too which I gave him my phone to try.

If I didn't go to school, I don't think I would be on Hive today because everything would look like a scam to me. I would have the opinion that it is impossible to write and earn just with one's phone. I would even think cryptocurrency is blood money just as I thought some years back and would also think that white people are using us for their benefit. With being a student, it is such a big privilege for me which I will always be grateful for.

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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