The act of ingratitude from people.


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I have tried to think of an experience with someone I helped but chose to pay me back with ingratitude but I found none. Perhaps, it is because I don't even take notice of that. When I help you, I already forget until the person starts reminding me of what I did when they keep thanking me. One thing I like about Yoruba people is that they can thank you until they see you no more. After helping them, they thank you. The next day, they say "Thanks for yesterday", and another time, they say "Thanks for the other day" and the list goes like that and it irritates me when people do that, even myself, I do it 😀 I just don't feel comfortable when it is being done to me.

I have heard many scenarios from my friends and family of how they had helped someone and in reverse, they were backstabbed, not like they stabbed them physically but they were paid back with ingratitude. This is something wicked to me because why would you think of repaying good with evil to someone who, out of love, care and mercy helped you? When you call someone to come and dine with you, but such a person has to hold your hand in a pause while they continue with the food, don't you think that is wickedness and cruelty in play? But, I love some people who choose to let go despite being betrayed and hurt, deciding to forgive you for what you have done. Well, karma always pays back by fighting for the said victim. I love that action and I think it is the best revenge ever, not from you but from nature fighting on your behalf.


I remember something like this happened to my aunt. Out of mercy, she decided to help one of my uncles who had been living a fake and reckless life all along. I never liked this man even when he used to remind me of my childhood, how he used to wash my bum bum when I finished pooing. LOL, I am less concerned about that past because we are in the present now and I've grown up. This aunt was and still living in the US and she heard of my uncle's predicament and decided to support and help him out. Perhaps she would have listened to warnings from other aunts and family members because everyone knows this our uncle is something else. He thinks he can outsmart everyone but the end is always a bad one for him. This man came begging for help, and looking at his eyes, one would feel pity for him. But you know when someone needs something badly, there is no extent they won't go to achieve their aim.


My aunt, after listening to him decided to make him the manager of her farmhouse in Nigeria. After explaining everything to this guy, she sent almost 200k to him to get some things done. I know my uncle and what he is capable of doing. Immediately he saw the alert, he ghosted everyone 🤣 no one could reach him for over 2 years. My aunt had moved on and the matter died down when we knew what he had done. After two years, we saw our uncle show up at another aunt of mine's house, pleading and asking for forgiveness. They forgave him but that was the end. They never trusted him again and he didn't see their favour too.

He wanted their attention again, this time around thinking they would come through for him when he faked his kidnap. Do you know what? No one believed him including myself. We knew that was a stupid step he took. When he saw nothing from any of the family, he released himself 😆 It was so funny but he was just foolish to try that step thinking they would give him another ransom money, then he could ghost everyone as he had done the first time.


That incident was a funny one but at the same time, it taught me how people can be so wicked to pay you back with evil and ingratitude just because you decide to blame them out of pity. It turns out that some people actually should be left to wallow in their predicament rather than helping them. In another sense, we are all doing our best for God and not because we feel pity for anyone, some people will still make us regret but we don't need that. Karma is a bitch like people say and it has the perfect way to deal with such kind of people.

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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