Forming a friendship level.

While I was growing up, I never had many friends and I can't tell if the friendship between my childhood friend and me was initiated first by me or her. I am an introvert who hardly makes friends but I am always open to whoever comes into my life. This doesn't mean I allow everyone to come around me because I take my time to study the kind of person he or she is. I grew up to enjoy my privacy and never wanted many people around me. Even now, one would notice quickly how I get easily tired with talks because I prefer to be alone than with a group of people.

Extroverts tend to make friends easily which made me ask my immediate sister one day how she was able to make friends so easily. This is someone who doesn't find it hard even on the bus to extend her hand to someone and boom, they are friends, whereas I am always the hard nut that would not attempt to extend her hand for a friendship. I tried making a move one day but discovered I was trying to force something that doesn't come naturally, I just gave up.


There is no doubt, that friends make the world beautiful. Friends add colors to one's life and many times, being around a group of friends could make the journey faster. But does this mean all kinds of friends?


There are people we shouldn't be around with as they aren't categorised as friends. When I have studied and observed someone, I quickly conclude in my mind whether to be friends with them or not. My energy doesn't stay around people who do not seem to be real friends and at this point, I'd rather be alone than hang around them. The kinds of friends one has would determine how far one goes in life.

Even when I love to be around friends whom I can travel the world with, hang out with, play around with, and learn from, I still find it hard to make the first move in embracing a friendship level because of my personality. When they come, I accept them while observing who they are and once I notice my energy is draining because of them, it doesn't take me time to exclude myself from them.


Having a few friends is worth more than having groups of people who do not add value to one's life but are only there to condemn or criticise you when things are going well. I don't like trouble and I try to avoid one but embrace peace. When I hear stories of how friends betray each other, hurt one another, and do wrong things behind each other, it makes me move back and prefer to be on my own rather than be around people who only frown at your success.

Whether online or offline, it is always difficult for me to make friends but when they appear, my heart is open for them and when I observe the kind of bad energy they bring, it's a no-go area for me.

I have just a few friends both online and offline and if I should count, they aren't more than 5 to 7 and I am very okay with them than having a bunch of friends that do not add value to one's life. Having the right cycle of friends is more meaningful than thousands of them with nothing to contribute to your life.

Even if it's possible to live this life without friends, I am okay but this life cannot be walked alone without having some of them around. That is why I categorise some people in my life depending on how they relate to me. To become my true friend takes a lot to be considered by me because I value my life and peace. I don't want to trust someone today and feel so hurt that I was betrayed tomorrow.

Images are mine

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