An Invaluable Advice to the Next Generation


Many times I have asked myself one big question: why can't we just live this life without any issues? This question usually pops up in my mind due to how frustrated I would always be when everything just seemed like the whole world would collapse on me if I don't calm my nerves. We keep jumping from one problem to another and when one isn't careful, they might think of committing suicide the next minute, which has always been happening because such an individual couldn't cope again.

On many occasions, I have had the thought of changing my phone number for some months, away from family issues and responsibilities but I came to realise that even if I have to do that, another problem will resurface — where would I go? How will I finance myself and away from the connections that could keep me going?

The day I read from a novel that the solution to a problem is the introduction of a new one, then I realised we can never escape from problems truly because if you have gotten the solution to one problem, it leads to another one which will continue that way. I just had to mellow down and keep living. The best thing is to face it hard and hope that all will be well.


To my coming generation, it's simple! One invaluable advice for them would be to face problems head-on and understand that challenges are an inevitable part of life which they should be ready to confront. Having this mindset would prepare them and shape their lives in numerous positive ways, building up their resilient spirit, and being able to adapt and grow productively.

The first thing to know is to be able to embrace the reality of problems.

Life is unpredictable and filled with challenges. This ranges from personal issues to global crises, and part of human experiences is that no one can escape from problems. Once they accept this reality, they will be able to prepare themselves mentally and emotionally, navigating through the obstacles they may encounter along the way. With them in preparation and ready to attack, it doesn't mean they should live in constant fear or have negative feelings about themselves, it does mean that they should build up a realistic understanding that problems will surely occur and be a part of life.

The next thing for them would be to embrace resilience and encourage adaptability.


Resilience is the ability to bounce back from difficulties and adapt to new circumstances. When the coming generation understands that problems are unavoidable, they will focus on building resilience. For example, a student who is faced with a tough course at the beginning may feel overwhelmed which is normal but things could change differently when he approaches the situation with the understanding that challenges are a normal part of the learning process, he would likely seek for help from his fellow coursemates or lecturers and also find new strategies which will ultimately make him overcome his struggles.

So it is with encouraging adaptability. Adapting is one crucial skill needed to navigate this fast-paced world where technological advancements are evolving, economic shifts and social changes are occurring at a rapid pace. Individuals who understand this would be able to be flexible and open to change. Once the coming generation understands that problems are to be expected, it will be easier to encourage them to be adaptable and embrace the growth mindset.

Lastly, they would be informed of recognising the right means to solve these problems and not look the wrong way. Solving a problem in the wrong way would only mean harder ones which aren't required if only they understand the right skills to utilise and the right movement to take. Solving a problem in the right way will save time than the other way round. This is why they must be focused as this can lead to better decision making which then leads to more efficient handling of challenges.

In conclusion, telling the coming generation to be ready to face problems head-on and not expect a problem-free life would be invaluable advice to them as this fosters resilience, adaptability, a growth mindset and the right channel to solving a problem.

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