The more easier it makes the world, the more disadvantages we get

Gone are those days when we watched black and white television, gone are those days when all we could do to send messages was travel a long distance, and all thanks to civilization for the changes it has brought to the world.

If we look back at how the world was in the past, we all will realize that civilization is a good thing because there are lots of things that have been made easy for us as humans.

I remember when I was still in primary school, the television we had in our house was black and white and before we could watch any station on it we had to turn our antenna to search for the network, funny right? Yeah, I know because most of us experience this. Despite being a black and white TV, we were the only ones that had it in our area because my father was financially okay and once it was evening, many students gathered in our house to watch TV.

The Black and white TV was part of the product of civilization but things improved and colored TV came into the picture. Today, we have smart TVs and it won't end with that as I am looking forward to more sophisticated TVs in the nearest future.


When we were living in the church back then, one of our church members' husband died when he went for business in another city, but nobody knew until after seven days that someone was able to come from that city to inform his wife.

Unlike things were then, it's now easy for people to pass messages across states, countries, and even continents.
Civilization deserves the credit because without it we would still be doing a lot of things the old way.

Human mode of dressing has changed due to civilization, gone are those days when you buy different clothes and sew the same style all through. The impact of civilization on our mode of dressing has gone from good to worse.

The truth is that civilization brought lots of good things to the world but the disadvantages are getting bigger than the good it has done. We have different styles of sewing clothes now based on the ideas civilization has brought and now people are making use of the same civilization as an excuse to wear unreasonable clothes.


It is through civilization people get to know everyone has the right to do whatever they want and now people are abusing the good knowledge civilization handed to them. It affects me negatively when I see a lady dress indecently because we share the same gender and yet, they fail to see that they will be addressed the way they dress.

The fact that civilization brought lots of good things affects my life positively because if not for civilization there wouldn't be the internet not to talk of me blogging. But the sad part of it is how my generation misunderstood the word, "civilization" and then did all sorts of unreasonable things.

What I have learned so far with the help of civilization is that I must never change who I am despite the world changing, I must not lose my manners all in the name of civilization because what is trending today will definitely be old-fashioned tomorrow.

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