Beyond The Parent's Fault...

Whenever a tree bears bad fruit, we blame the tree, forgetting that the soil has a lot to do with the condition of the tree, and this is the same thing that comes to mind whenever I see people blaming parents for their children's waywardness.


You can't blame me and you for what happened to the Mr. and Mrs. Ajakaye children, but we might have a hand in it.

There was a very famous family in the town where I grew up, and it was every child's dream to live like the children of this famous family. They had five children and gave them the best of life even though these kids attended a public school. A lot of us tried making friends with these children, but their parents were strict and barely allowed strangers in their home. They were very protective, but one of their daughters picked interest in me.

She always admired my beauty, and we got very close. We were very close to the point that I knew everything happening in their house. One of the boys in the family was in drugs while the other children weren't.

This same boy had a terrible reputation at school; his academic life was zero, and he was a big problem. As a teenager, he was sent to rehab and disciplined by the military, but nothing changed. He will always return to his terrible habit within a short time.

We are all grown up, and all the children from this family are doing fine in life. My friend is a pilot; they have 2 doctors and another guy who plays football abroad, but the bad one among them didn't change a bit.

Should the parents still be blamed for one child who refused to turn a new leaf? Parents are the first to be blamed, but they are not always at fault. Sometimes, it could be the child or even other influences around them, but we don't see it.

When it comes to parenting duties, every parent must be on their toes. We must be very alert to notice every single change our children are experiencing so that we can caution them before things get dirty. If we can come in earlier, we can make a difference, and in some cases, parents don't even have an idea of what's happening because of how secretive kids can be.

Parents have the biggest job to do, and that's why they get the praise and enjoy the benefits when their children are doing great in life. Or are you a successful child who considers society first before taking care of their parents? Even if that happens, it will be for a strong reason, so parents mustn't slack on their duties.

Most importantly, we must train our kids in the way of the Lord so that when they grow, they won't depart from it.

Children can be easily misled or influenced by people, but staying completely in touch with them can help us a lot. They mustn't see us as just parents; they should see us as best friends so they can carry us along with everything happening in their world.

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