Mandatory Service: Stressful But Impactful

This is an interesting topic that reminded me of some fun filled moments during my mandatory service to my country.

In my country it's mandatory for every graduate of every institution to answer the clarion call, which usually lasts for a period of one year, before we can move on with any other thing.

When I was a student, I could recall my eagerness to also serve my country, because I was attracted to the uniform, also the respect and favor the uniform attracts🤣, and when i get to experience it, it was like an achievement for me, and it was fun filled and at the same time very stressful.

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is a vital institution in Nigeria and it plays a significant role in my country's development as well as the young graduates. It's an avenue where young graduates from different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds are brought together fostering unity and understanding among themselves. It is also an avenue where we get to acquire new skills, and to gain more experience to become self-employed, and to embrace other opportunities.

It was during this mandatory service I got to experience another phase of life, starting from traveling for days on the roads, adjusting to the weather conditions of the environment, tasting different delicacies, learning different languages, acquiring new skill, making new friends from different tribes and culture, getting involved in other activities that seem easy at the glance of it, but trying them out becomes scary, but I enjoyed every moment i spent there because it impacted my life positively and it was fun filled.

I believe that, this mandatory service is for the betterment of the youth as well as the country, though there are some factors that are challenging and it needs to be checked to foster a better service for the youth, and I believe that if close attention is paid to some of the major challenges in this service, it will help in eradicating fear in the heart of people, bridging the gap of disunity among tribes, discrimination, killing etc. having the understanding that the aim of this compulsory service is for the benefits of the young graduates as well as the country.

I believe that what is good for everyone is worth doing well. So I would say it shouldn't be scrapped out, rather let the government look deeper and intervene in some challenges that affect the service, although they are trying, but more security strategy should be put in place in most of the states, I could recall so many young graduates who redeploy because they were scared of staying where they were posted to, meanwhile it ought not to be so, rather it would have being an avenue to explore the new environment we find ourselves, enjoying every moment we spent there without fear. building bridges across social divides

I actually enjoyed my Primary Place of Assignment, at first it wasn't so, and when I couldn't take it anymore I had to change it, but in the process of staying there I got to understand their cultures, traditions, and their ways of life, which promoted cross-cultural understanding and tolerance in me. Engaging in environmental conservation, sanitation, community development projects, and infrastructure development also helped me positively. My experience as corps members develops independence, self-reliance, and confidence in me preparing me for the challenges of adulthood.

National Youth Service Corps in Nigeria is worth continuing because it has good intentions, from fostering national unity, development of skills, and promoting community development etc. but let those factors that have lapses be bridged.

This is my response for "Mandatory Service" on #hivelearner week 127:- Edition 02.

Thank you for reading ♥️

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