Sometimes all it takes is a good story

Earlier today while I and a friend was walking back home, we had seen this church poster of a pastor whose church we used to attend but stopped due to how poor his preaching was.

As someone who grew up in the church, surrounded by very talented men of God, I'm used to hearing certain kinds of preaching that has a lot of qualities in it. And having that kind of upbringing has kind of made it very easy for me to spot a preacher who isn't really good at preaching.

Well, as we walked back home, I began to ask myself what makes a good preacher and I came up with a theory, one that could be wrong so I'd like to hear you guys thought in the comment section below.

photo by Luis Morera

You see, when it comes to preaching, I've realized that aside from the word of God itself, you need a good story to accompany it to better drive home your point, to get the people captivated and help them understand better the message you're trying to pass to them.

And I know it might not seem like much, but I've seen what a good story can do when it comes to the matters of faith.

If I remember correctly, some few years ago, there was a time when rumors had spread about a man who died, came back to life and claimed to have been to heaven and saw all of the process of judgement.

That day, a church in my area had invited him over and I can remember that the whole street had gone to see this miraculous man who has visited heaven. Everyone had dozens of questions to ask this man, they even had to write it down on long sheet of paper.

Unfortunately, he had arrived late at the venue and couldn't answer much questions but the stories he had told that day of heaven had done wonders. That day, I saw people crying, yelling, praying, rolling on the floor and doing all sorts of things just because of this good story that this man of God had told everyone.

I have no doubt that everyone left that church that day as a born again Christian and he didn't even preach, all he did was tell a really good story.

Although now that I think of it, the man might have been a fraud and arrived late on purpose just so that he wouldn't get to answer questions that could expose him for the fraud that he was, but that didn't matter because he already did what he came there for, which was to convert hundreds of people to the Lord, and he did all of that with just a good story.

So as a man of God, a preacher, while it's not advisable to lie, it helps to tell stories that could help drive home your point when preaching because based off of my experience, it works all the time and help makes you a better preacher.

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