Not All Of Them Are Bad


Yesterday, I talked about having trust issues but one thing I realized I didn’t tell you guys is that there are times when I have had to place my trust on someone and they came through for me even when they didn’t really have to.

One good example of my friend coming through for me was during the second semester exam of my first year in school. It was our last paper for that semester and for some reasons, I couldn’t open my books to read because I had some issues that I was tackling at the time.

I usually went for this night readings with two of my friends and had called them that evening to tell them I won’t be coming. I explained my reasons to them and they understood. Fast forward to the next day, the day of the exam.

We were all seated in our usual formation. I didn’t read so I was one hundred percent dependent on my guys helping me out on that exam but then things don’t always go our way when we want them to, do they?

The exam supervisor walked in and it was a lady. Now I don’t know if this stats is correct but I’m sure 95% of female lecturer are definitely witches and only have one goal, to make their students suffer. She walked into the hall and waited for us to settle down before she started reshuffling everyone. And by the time she was done, I found myself sitting in the front roll while my friends, the same guys I had my hopes on were both sitting at the back. It’s one thing not to read for an exam, it’s another thing not to read and sit in the front roll right in front of a female exam supervisor.

Anyways the exam started and I tried to answer the ones I could but it was obvious that without a miracle, I was failing this course. Before I forget, I had a sit partner too but this guy was even copying from me, so it felt like I was alone at the seat. One look at my friends at the back and they understood the dilemma I was going through, so they gave me the “chill, help is on the way” signal and I chilled Lol.

It was no surprise to me when I saw the both of them get up to go submit. They read, I didn’t. But just as they walked past me, one of them tossed a paper at me that had all the answers in it. The funny thing was that I wasn’t the one who caught the paper, it was my good for nothing seat partner, he too obviously had been waiting for a miracle to happen.

Well, that was how I avoided getting a course carried over to my next year, all thanks to a friend who I had place my one hundred percent trust on. So you see, not all of them are bad.

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