Minding my Business

Yesterday was an interesting day for me and also a reminder that not everyone deserves an advice from me. Most times it’s best you just sit, observe and say nothing because it’s not everyone who’s in trouble that really needs saving, at least not yet. Some of them actually do need to be in that situation a little bit longer before they can learn.

A friend of mine who lives in the same hostel as me came into my room yesterday. One look at him and I knew he had been served breakfast (the Nigerian way of saying he just got broken up with). I asked him what happened and he said he went through his girlfriends phone and what he saw was heartbreaking.

For some time now, I’ve always had this feeling that his girlfriend wasn’t a loyal one and I tried to give him clues to help him see it but how can a man see properly when he’s being blinded by love?

But you see by then I wasn’t being blunt to him with the signs I was seeing because they still were together and I didn’t want to be the one to break them up, so I decided to do that now that they obviously won’t be a thing anymore. I told him everything about how I’ve always thought that she was a cheat and all.

Long story short, before he left, he vowed never to have anything to do with her again. “She was worse than the devil himself” He said. And deep down I was happy that my friend was finally liberated but then I realized I shouldn’t have said anything when I saw his whatsapp status later that night.

He posted a picture of him and her with the caption “No one can break us apart, not even the devil” and I just started laughing out loud. Obviously I’m now the devil and the only thought that crossed my mind as I read that caption again was just four later words…

Na me fuck up

Which simply translates to “I fucked up”. Now guess who’s back to minding his business, me!


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