Let the Dead Save Lives

Today's contest topic is surprisingly one that I've never thought about in the past. Surprisingly, because now that I do think about it, it is a very important topic that could have a huge positive impact in the world as we know it, if people decide to do the right thing (or at least do what I think is the right thing).

You see I've avoided reading people's blog on this topic because I didn't want my opinion to be influenced by whatever it is I may read out there. So all you're about to see now, is my fresh and direct thoughts on the question "Should organ donation be a must"...

photo by Piron Guillaume

Seriously, if I had to give a direct answer without beating around the bush, my answer to that question would be a resounding yes and honestly I don't even think I need to explain my reason for giving that answer, but I will anyway.

The most obvious reason why I think that people's organ should be donated after they're dead is simply because they're dead and no longer need the organs, so why bury a perfectly good organ in a dead body when you could literally take out those organs to save someone else's life.

And yes I know, most people might not like the idea of someone having to dig around the body of someone they loved, while cutting and taking out stuff. I understand how painful that whole thoughts might be, but honestly I feel that might just be them not looking at the bigger picture.

And this is because there is absolutely no benefits in having them buried with all of their good and functional organs intact when in fact they could be helping someone out with it.

Also, if anyone says no to this, then I genuinely think that it's because they're looking at this whole thing from one side only, because will you still have the same opinion if it was you or your loved one on their dying bed, their days numbered unless they get a heart transplant?

And yes, I know that implementing such a law might have negative effects, the most dangerous one being that people might end up taking matters into their own hands and ending the life of other people while pretending that they died of natural causes just so that the doctors could take the organs and save their love ones.

Well, I guess the government, before implementing such a rule, would have to come up with solutions on how to stop that from happening because if they don't, then the rule would be counter productive, considering the fact that people would end up killing other people just so that they could save other people... Lol

Anyways, when you look at the whole thing from the surface, you will find out that the good side of that would outweigh the bad and this is because according to statistics, there are almost 2 deaths every second and 106 every minute in the world, meaning that there will be over 106 organs to be available every minute to save lives.

It's nasty when we think about it that way, I know... But it is what it is.

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