I Can’t Leave My House

According to recent research, Nigeria is the country with the highest number of internet fraudsters. I didn’t know this and was shocked when I saw the stats on two different websites. So yeah, we’re finally leading on something I guess.

A friend of mine called me yesterday to ask how I was doing because someone told him about the increased police activity in this part of the country. Mind you, I had no idea that more law enforcement officers had been deployed to come to this state because of its increased crime rate, the crime being fraud.

So after his call, I started asking a couple of my friends if they’ve heard or seen anything because I hardly leave my house so I had little or no information about the whole thing. My friends replied that it was true and that there were now multiple police checkpoints on the road this days where they stop commercial vehicles and ask the guys to come down and then have them and their phones searched.

You see the police mostly do their search on just the guys because they believe that when it comes to internet fraud, it’s just guys doing it.


We were still on the conversation when another friend of mine walked in. He just got back from work and the moment he realized what we were talking about, he started telling us about how he was just stopped and his phone searched that same day then I got scared.

I know you guys might be wondering why I said I got scared when I’m not a fraudster, well you see I use an iPhone 7plus which to me is an already outdated kind of iPhone. People this days now say that if your iPhone still has a button then it’s old which I totally agree with them but this guys (police) don’t know that. The police believes that iPhones are expensive phones (even if it’s an iPhone 6) and that no young man should have one unless you have enough money to buy one and having enough money as a young man simply means you’re a fraudster.

I honestly don’t know how they came up with that whole form of thinking but it works for them so they go with it.

There’s every possibility that my friend who got stopped and searched would have probably been accused of being a fraudster and get extorted if he had an iPhone on him when he got searched, and now there’s me, an old iPhone user, scared to leave his house with his phone because he owns an old iPhone.


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