Aiming higher for the year 2024

Mario Andretti once said 'Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.'''

I haven't always been one to set goals for the new year. I just love going with the flow. Truth be told, it only worked halfway for me. I was chatting with a fellow hiver recently, and he advised me not to focus solely on achieving my goals throughout the year. He suggested dividing the year into three, two, or even four phases to prevent procrastinating until year-end. I then decided to set plans for myself to have something to reflect on whenever I am lost in my journey to achieving my goals on hive.

I am new to Hive blockchain; most things I see here still look foreign to me, like the hive power, crypto currency as a whole, hive keys, of which I have little knowledge about it. It's a process I know I will get to know all about hive later on, with the help of the Hive Learners Newbies Initiative, which I have been anticipating since I joined the Hive learners community.


My goals for Hive involve being consistent. Last October, when I newly joined this platform, that was when BEDC(Benin Electric Distribution Company) announced that there would be no electricity in some part of my city from November to January 7. I was Initially frustrated and always searching for ways to charge my phone and gadgets to stay active on hive. Eventually, I gave up and got used to the power outage. I haven't been able to keep up with posting and engaging, and even now, it's challenging. I am hopeful that the electricity issue will be resolved soon, and my goals for the year can kick-start.

For my short-term goal in the first six months, I plan on making myself known in communities and ensuring active engagement. One way to achieve this is by leaving quality comments on people's posts, sharing high-quality content, participating in contests, and staying active on Discord within various communities. I intend to place reminders in various locations in my room and notes on my daily activities to keep track of what I am supposed to do. It's open to changes.

For my long-term goal throughout the year, I plan on accumulating a significant amount of Hive Power. I can't specify the exact amount at this moment, but I believe with time, I will define a specific target. My long term financial plan involves generating sufficient revenue from the Hive blockchain by making it my primary workspace. I aim to experience the phenomenon where people feel a sense of unease or unhappiness when not active on the platform, and I aspire to grow within the Hive blockchain.

Additionally, I will focus on increasing both my followers and the people I am following to learn from individuals worldwide and also to impact others hivers. All these are achievable, time based but without God, determination and commitment I wouldn't be able to meet my goals. I have taken the bold step and I know God will order my path.

Thank you for reading

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