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I’m ‘when you can’t say it, write it’ personified. Matter-of-fact, I’d rather write it than say it.

I knew I was obsessed with writing when I couldn’t stop writing. It didn’t have to be serious articles or blog posts, it just could be anything. I could be in class when my lecturer hasn’t arrived and I’ll be writing. Guess what I’d be writing… song lyrics. Sometimes, I’d be scribbling quotes all over my notes or lines from a movie or cartoon I had seen. Whatever it was, I just had to keep writing. It made a friend of mine nickname me ‘ode akwukwo’. It means ‘writer’ in the Nigerian Igbo language.
I remember once when I was in class, a lecturer stood lecturing, and ladies and gentlemen, yours truly was busy describing what her lecturer looked like in her notes. I remember my friend saying I had finally lost it.

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Writing is my window to the world. The way I see the world, my perception of things, what I feel and believe in are all better expressed through written words. I’ve always thought to myself that the day I stop writing is the day I cease to live. I mean, what will be my source of happiness when I can’t write a note to myself? or send a text to someone who is seated right next to me? Or choose to email my friends instead of chatting them up on social media? How would I cope with not being able to write song lyrics? Or write down the things I’ve heard and imagine them being put up on a billboard?

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Writing is my world. Writing is my life. I have found so much satisfaction from it that all the paths I’ve chosen so far for my future have something to do with it.
I find writing to be therapeutic. When I grieve, writing is the only thing that keeps me sane. I channel all my emotions to my notepad and let my burdens fall into each word I pen down.

I get this crazy rush when I make stories out of random things and poems out of real-life situations. I do not know if this is normal or even true, but I think writing has something to do with my love language. For all these, I think it's safe to say writing is my biggest hobby of all times.

I’m a proud writer. I must agree, though, that I’m still far from perfection but I also know that getting better is not something I’m afraid to do. So, whatever opportunity I get to write, I’ll certainly do so for it is in such an avenue that perfection is born.

PS: The last photo belongs to me.

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