Turning invisible like Hallow Man

Guess you've seen the movie title "Hallow Man"; this was around 2000; well, that might have been a long time ago, but the #contest reminded me of what happened in the movie, though the end result might have been a bad one, after a scientist named Sebastian Caine developed an invisible serum, which he tried on himself, and he became invisible.

Looking at that movie I honestly understand what it takes to be invisible; at times it might be frustrating, especially having to see yourself in a situation where people no longer hear what you are saying or doing at that moment. To me, being invisible is like being in a different world entirely—a world of your own.

But having such a gift temporarily is not a bad idea at all, especially since going invisible in today's world is definitely a gift to be appreciated because it comes with responsibility and the chance to put a lot of things in place.

I will definitely be on the good side of the gift, especially when it comes to averting evil from people. People get into many dangers today because no one in the other realm has seen them before or can help to avert them. In a world where people envy each other in terms of success and progress in life, being away for such a long period where no one can see me will definitely expose such situations.

The power of #invisibility goes beyond what we are thinking. For me, there is definitely a bigger picture to this. Imagine me being in the invisible realm where no one can see me, and I sneak to where hoodlums are arranging bad substances to blow into the air, which will be entirely dangerous to the public. Things like this I will definitely destroy without their knowledge in that process. Today, most of the sickness that people encounter or that is referred to as deadly happened as a result of some bad substances blowing into the air. Anyone in the invisible realm would have the power to definitely stop it.

There are many crime scenes in our world today, especially in a country where kidnapping and theft are the order of the day. Getting to be invisible for me will be another opportunity to release and help a lot of individuals who have been kidnapped. To me, this might definitely be my best way of giving back to society and helping humanity. and saving them from every evil will definitely be my priority.

Today, the world needs more good people, and especially people who will be extraordinary with a different power to actually stop a lot of bad acts in today's world. I will definitely embrace the good side of this gift and make sure that I use them all in the right manner, too.

There is always a different kind of feeling when you do things in an extraordinary way, especially when people haven't foreseen it. If you have such capacity and you actually do those things to help the world at large it will be great. For me, having an invisible power to help is not all about being a hero to be celebrated, but having the privilege to save the world from a lot of mess.

This is my entry to the #contest.

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