W48e3: Financial/Family Pressure Everywhere!

Pressures everywhere!



In our society today, pressure comes from everywhere, anywhere and anytime. It could from social pressure, physical pressure, mental pressure and peer pressure, family pressure, and more. These pressures majorly influence the youth than the old.

But, if wisdom is applied correctly, then we overcome them all. Note, there are positive pressure and negative pressure. I prefer we should go for the positive, though is attached with patience and self-discipline. When there is no patience, this is when our society would face challenges of negative pressure of any kind.

financial pressure and social!

Financial pressure and social pressure is what is killing our youth in our society, today.
Let's look at them one after the other.

Financial pressure:

A well-known neighbor happens to join an Occultist group because of money. He started a business with his friend not at the same locations but different locations. My neighbor's friend who started his with nothing, thought of having a large stock, he decided to join Occult in other to make wealth.

My neighbor, who is in his friend's shop, saw his friend's shop filled with goodies, people trooping in and out to get stuffs. My neighbor stood in amazement, asking him the secret of his boom business. He took his friend inside, and whisper into his ear, saying, come the following day, let me take you out. My neighbor went the following day, his friend took him to the Occult place. There, he was asked to bring three human heads for rituals. In the process of getting one, he was caught to jail. Thereafter, they realized that he wanted to use a human head for rituals, so they hung him to dead. This is what financial pressure did to my neighbor because of uncontented attitude.

Life pressure is powerful and has its spirit attached to it, so a person who does not have the power of resistance, will definitely be a prey to it.

Let's talk about another pressure.

Family pressure:

Family pressure could come from parents, Aunt's and uncle's.

This one that I'm sharing is my Aunt's daughter. Her name is Dorothy. She is dark in complexion and average in height. So fortunate that she is at her 25 years old, single. Therefore, due to family pressure by her parents, who wanted her to get married, that she has been attending her friends' marriage who are younger than she. This pressure came heavily, to the point of marrying any man who comes her way. That week didn't pass, a cultist asks her in hand in marriage, and she consented to the cultist proposal with immediate effect. She didn't know that the man is a cultist. She knew this when she had already become pregnant for the man. So, the man threatened her not abort that child. Today, she is suffering, and her parents are also suffering because of this singular pressure made by her parents. Marriage relationship, is a life journey that shouldn't be joked upon. Wrong marriage relationship can bring destruction.

Parents, allow your children's time to get ripped and also pray for them. This is the responsibility of a mother, not just been nasty and arrogant with them. Family pressure can ruin both the male and the female youths.

Thank you, to all hivelearners initiators for this wonderful contest, I have been able to share my experience with you people.

This post is in response to hivelearners initiatives, week 48 edition 3.

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I love, I care, and I forgive.

I remain @peckypeace.

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