Organ donation: It must not be enforced

Hello, everyone!

Welcome to another critic-featured contest.

This featured contest is interesting and I have stocked a lot in my brain. This topic is like a debate; some people are for it, and some people are against it. Where I'm I self. Hmm

Where will I even start from 😂😂😂


Okay, I have searched in the scripture there is no direct biblical reference to this conduct. This act was not practiced during Jesus' time, and people, too, were not involved in it, but they showed love, kindness, and compassion through other means to each other while they were alive. This act of having organs removed from deceased individuals was an ideology that medical practitioners came about in the medical field to help people who needed these organs for survival.

However, if the government issued a decree that all healthy organs must be taken from the recently deceased individuals and donated to the sick people. I think the government is wrong and right, two-sided. They will be wrong in the sense that the family might not give the government consent to do that to the corpse, and if the government forcefully does that with their authority, they are all wrong. They will, on the other end, be right when they pay the family of the corpse for allowing the government to do the needful.

Furthermore, this act of donating an organ from a deceased individual to sick people in the hospital is not an act of love and compassion because the deceased wasn't aware of the act unless the deceased family willingly gave out without the sick family requesting for it, then I could tend it to be love. When we are talking about showing love to one another, it must be a one-on-one transaction of giving or receiving, this is where I can tend it to be love and showing of compassion. The sacrifice Jesus Christ offered on the cross is what no man can offer to another man. This act was coined by medical practitioners to offer help to the sick; it was just like a suggestion that could help salvage people's situation. Fortunately, it worked out.


The government enforcing or implementing the decree is not proper, but it should be out of people's volition; the family of the corpse giving consent for undergoing such an act before it is being done is the appropriate way.

Truth be told, it is not something that I can follow. And it will not be fair if such an act is implemented by the government, it should be by people's choice. Someone like me wouldn't want a recently deceased person in my family to donate any organs to the sick in the hospital. I know the dead are dead, and there is nothing to do about the dead body; it is just like firewood thrown into the fire. So let it be a choice and not by enforcement, to bring peace to the nation-state.

I, therefore, stand against the government's enforcement of taking out healthy organs from the recently deceased to the sick in the hospital but by individual volition.

This post is in response to the #Hivelearners contest, week 135 edition 2

I love, I care, and I forgive

I remain @peckypeace

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