My weak point in life; Impatience

Life is full of ups and downs, which shape our personalities. These challenges reveal our strengths and weaknesses and drive us to become better individuals. I didn't realize I was an impatient person until I faced challenges that made me aware of this trait.

From ages 5 to 16, I was known to be calm and quiet, but over time, I became stubborn and insolent. As I matured, I realized that this trait could hinder my progress. As I grow into adulthood, I have recognized the need to adjust and improve for a better future.

Image by me

Just like life is in stages, from childhood to adulthood and the elderly. If one accepts the precept of life diligently, there is every tendency to change for good.

Human traits are powerful and tedious. And we need to tame for a purpose.

I'm always anxious to get my things done quickly. I could recall how my male friend spoke to me about something and it was interesting to hear. At some point, he paused and said till next time. He was not about him telling me a story from somewhere. It was our relationship; you know, women are moved by what they hear, and men are moved by what they see. I was intentional in the talk and he cut me short. He told me to hold on and that he would continue the following day. I spoke with him that same day in the evening, and I asked him to continue his talk, the next thing he called me an impatient human being, and I laughed over it. Within, I was like "So this man knew I am an impatient person". Even when I asked my boss for money, he assured me that the money would be sent, but it wasn't. I waited for hours, but the money didn't come. I called and texted him, and he picked up the call and told me, can you learn patience?

Image by me

My spirit would be high to get it done when I asked. This trait seems obvious in my life. It is also reflected in meal time. If I'm hungry and I don't eat the food I am craving, it would be like I am going to slump.

But I thank God I am changing bit by bit. The level of maturity has emerged.

Our traits can spoil things for us, especially when we are building intentional relationships for the future. Some traits need to be changed or put off for great results.

There are other weak points of mine that O dealt with, such as "glossophobia", which is a fear of public speaking. I was so scared when it came to public speaking and I was so poor at it. I dealt with it, and I thank God I'm moving out of it completely.

We have to trade negative traits for positive traits to spring forth in others to fulfill our purpose. Bad traits could be a hindrance to us and can deviate us from the part of achieving something.

Overall, being impatient is one of my weak points that became a priority and it has faded. Some of our traits are so bad that people can't relate to us the way they should.

Please let's drop them, and let our life be a place where others can find peace, and let be a presentation to people.

Image by me

This content is in response to the Hive learner's contest, week 127e1.

Thank you for reading through.

I love, I care, and I forgive

I remain @peckypeace

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