Fairness Taxation


I am excited to be taking part in this contest, and I have come to understand the importance of equity and fairness in taxation. It is something that the government should prioritize to benefit the people.

Establishing a fair tax system that is equitable for all citizens is crucial. If this project is well-implemented, it will promote peace. In our country, there is a disparity between the rich and the poor, and things are not going as smoothly as they should. It’s similar to the difference in height; short, average, and tall people are not all on the same level. They do things depending on their capability.


Furthermore, ensuring fairness in taxation means considering the citizens' financial situation and income levels appropriately. Having this system structured, there will be modality and cooperation. Fairness should be determined based on the capacity of each individual.


For example, if a bill of $20,000 is distributed to every household, the rich are capable of paying the bill easily, while the poor, who are struggling to afford three meals a day, are not capable of raising this money. This situation can lead to problems and war in our country.

I'm saying this out of experience; I have a lot of people in my village who are capable of paying the NEPA bill, and the bill goes around everyone. Now, it comes to the point where some houses do not use this NEPA light for something consumable, like refrigerators, irons, gas cookers, and other appliances that could consume more light or energy. A lot of people were complaining that they shouldn't be given a bill at this amount and that some do not use the light to commensurate with the amount given. Some weren't able to raise such an amount, and this situation brought about a lot of problems in my village. Some places had light, and some places were swallowed with darkness, especially those who did not have a generator, big or small, to give them light.

This applies to the poor and the rich in our society in taxation.

Moreover, if the government can implement fair taxation over tax equity, there will be peace in our country. There would be no jealousy, havoc, inequality, injustice, and disunity in the society.

Implementing this project would bring a lot of benefits. Let's delve into some of the benefits.

Promote peace

The peace of the citizens is prioritized and more important. Without the people, taxation wouldn't be possible. Peace comes first when implementing fair taxation in our countries.

Economic growth

This encourages the economic growth of our country. This process generates revenue that can be used to build, education, electricity, healthcare, and other public services that would mean a lot to our system.

Promote social harmony


Fair taxation doesn't bring disparity between individuals; instead, it promotes social harmony and a sense of recognition by the individuals.

Overall, fairness in taxation should be highly recommended in our country over equal taxation. This will bring peace and harmony among the people. The poor will not be underrated by the rich.

This post is in response to Hive learner's, week 126e3.

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