How Music Contributed greatly to My Life and My Favorite Music

How Music Contributed Greatly to My Life and My Favorite Music

I am very delighted to write about this topic in particular and I hope to express this great feeling to your maximum understanding.


You know when you're coming up as an adult there use to be two routes for you to make your choice, well I was not in exception to this Principle of life as well, Life presented me with those two options and I believe I've made the best decision about this, I will explain all of if you follow me closely.
In as much as there's the negative and positive factors governing a lot of things in our Human lifes, this factors cannot be denied or changed when it comes to human characters and behavioral aspects too. You can decide to either cultivate a negative or positive character which will definitely be defined by your actions and all that you do on daily bases.
Your character defines who you are and what you can do and what you wouldn't do. Almost 100% of this great Life-decision is made during our teenage age or our early adulthood life. It's more difficult to start up another lifestyle in your forty's than in your teenage age let me explain this point, when I don't smoke from my childhood, teenage hood and adulthood stage smoking in my forty's is of a very low tendency. But whatever character I might cultivate either positive or negative one from my teenage age or adulthood can stand to affect me for the rest of my life.

Remember you can only bend a tree when it's little and young because when it gets old you may endup breaking the tree trying to bend it,

Same thing applicable to human lives, we can easily be rehabilitated when we are young than old.
I happen to make a very good decision in choosing the route to follow right from my teenage age and to my early adulthood life because I very much know what negative characters entails. Should I say I was very lucky to have made this best decision of my life, or maybe something close to that.


My own picture

I fell in love with the trumpet (a winds musical instrument) at my teenage age by then I had the negative vibes of life pushing me into other things that would affect my life forever too. There was a lot of influence from friends to join cultism which I tag it a very negative route to follow because it would have at the end lead me to distructions of which I've witnessed alot of people like that today. By then all I could see was the faim, the name and fruitless big-boys company but something also was dragging my attention which was the trumpet. I had a very strong feeling to learn the trumpet despite it wasn't my idea to play it beyond the context of which I am playing now. I started learning the trumpet and to cut the long story short it has now become a part of me. Each and everyday I strive to play very good as any other Trumpeter around me, this act called for serious engagement and practice with Fellow musicians, gradually I began to mingle with the trumpet boys instead of the bad peers that I almost fell into their lane. My life has to change and become like that of the Trumpet boys, I began to love music and that has been part of me till date. I was very lucky that the negative route as magnetic and contagious as it is it didn't bond me to itself, speaking from experience I know what this bad boys have turned out to be in the society now, it would have been me but hell no here I am today practicing music instead of cultism.
These are some of the reasons I keep on telling people music is Life to me because you only have life when you have a positive mindset but when it's a negative one you are seriously battling to have Life.
I have gradually developed love for other musical instruments too and singing also all as a result of the first important step I took which is learning the trumpet.
I've listened and scored several songs of which I've played and recorded alot of them with my Trumpet, you can play any of my videos below.

Well, despite the plenty number of songs I know and I love I still have some favorites. I fell in love with a beautiful lady and on the first night of our love gist together, behold on my music record list came a song that suits that moment, I enjoyed the song and rushed to put in on replay. I never knew I wasn't the only one catching up the vibes from the song at that particular moment, she felt the song too, she opened up she loves the song, it made me develop much love for that music and whenever she comes around I love to play it and sing along the music. Of course this song is not only my favorite now but our favorite together with her. The name of our favorite song is Like I'm gonna loose you by Meghan Traino I've made a trumpet cover of that same song when we had some little misunderstanding with her that looked like the relationship has sank into the waters but am happy it's back alive. you can listen to it below.

I also have this favorite hymn that means alot to me, it is among my best hymns because several times we sang the hymn when mum was around and we've got so used to the lyrics of the hymn "Amazing Grace" I've also recorded the hymn with my Trumpet too. Alot of my favorite songs I do play them with my trumpet, you can check on my posts you will find most of them there.

My third favorite song is "In heaven" by bankyW I fell in love with this song when I was in school, I've got this very good friend of mine her name is Katherine, The first time I heard the song was from katherine and she's been playing the song several times when we where in school, I really can't tell if it was her favorite but I knew she loved the song, I quickly downloaded the song and that is how it get started, I began to practice the lyrics of the song and often times sing the song to express my feeling.


Interestingly, I vibe into love songs mostly that was the main reason I quickly loved BankyW 'In heaven'. This song speaks so much about love in intense, BankyW was proclaiming His Love for his Fiance and the intense of His love for her made him to call to her attention that until in heaven he will still love and care for her, this song contains so much inspirational love words and quotes that I couldn't help but to learn and practice the song, you know man needs to learn how to be romantic some times.
I have alot of songs that I really love but for my first three favorite is that which I've listed above.
One of my favorite Quotes


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