Appreciation Message (Thank You Hive)

Appreciation Message (Thank You Hive)


A time to cry and a time to laugh, there's time to sow and a time to reap, a time to go to school and a time to graduate! I have come with a heart of gratitude first to God almighty for sustaining me through the journey thus far. I want to say a big thank you to Him again for blessing me with amazing friends both physically and on our noble Hive Blockchain. I am so happy that a journey that was supposed to last four years has come to an end after spending five years and half, the most exciting thing is that it has ended and ended in praise.

I find it thoughtful of me to come and show gratitude to my amazing friends on Hive for their supports because I really don't know what would have happened if not for my guys on the chain, maybe I would've lost it but it's too late..

I wrote my last exams on Friday which climaxes me a graduate (Bsc Biochemistry) from the University of Lafia Nasarawa State Nigeria. Though certificates have not been issued out yet, I am confident of the fact that I've made it and hopefully with a satisfiable result.

Hive Contributed Allot to My Achievement


I really cannot reemphasize all the aids I've received since I joined this platform. Indeed this is a platform of growth and development, the good people of hive have painted Hive with good colors that made it better than allot of other web3 platforms out there. Apart from the coordination and innovative skills in this mini world, love has always been the order of the day. I have met people with great hearts through this beautiful space, I so much appreciate everyone for contributing immensely to my joy and happiness.

I want to take this time out to also show forth my appreciation for the support granted to me sometime back when I came seeking for help about the security challenges I was facing in school. I wanted to give a breakdown of everything I did then but I thought it wise to join the appreciation message together with final exams celebration.


It's almost 2 months already with the bad experience I had about how thieves Broke into my house and buggled my window burglary and went away with some valuable items. I was so distressed and felt so in-secured about my stay in that house so I made a post and requested for assistance from my friends on the chain so I can get a door burglary.


I feel it's important to come and show forth my gratitude and the process of the work I did to tighten up the security around the place I'm staying in school. The interesting gist is that I didn't fix the burglary too late because immediately after I finished mounting up my door burglary, thieves entered our compound again and went away with three peoples phone. I was saved because of the burglary because normally this people would have definitely come over to my side to steal too.

The thieves came in the night when everybody was sleeping and tore the window net of the three persons in the compound. I feel astonished by the crook means they used to carry their phones through the window without them or anyone in the compound noticing. I really appreciate each and everyone that contributed to my safety in school.

I didn't encountered too much challenge making the burglary right from the beginning to the end.

I also got some bright bulbs and mounted them across my entrance to enhance the security standard of my side. I really didn't spend so much as all the contributions fit in my expenses and everything..


I really appreciate you all for your kind gesture, indeed hive is home and home is where you find love and care..

A big shout-out to the @afri-tunes community for their support and also to the @hive-learners community, I've known no regrets being part of this great families..

I sincerely appreciate @ksam @starstrings01 @merit.ahama @oluwadrey @obaro for their massive support and love during this hard time, I do not take it for granted guys.. God bless you big time and to everyone out there that also supported me with their upvotes and reblog, I am saying a big Thank You..

The long awaited day has come, no more assignments and tests for now. The only place I want to channel my energy is how to grow my account because of the series of power down I did to save my ass in school 😀
School and expenses and twin so it's almost impossible to avoid spending in school. My number one mission is to spread love because I understand that our world needs more love and less fights, people dying, people hating, people fighting, depression everywhere. I'm hoping and praying to God to strengthen me to contribute my quota to humanity. Though there's not a job yet but I think it's time to dive deeper into my entrepreneurial skills and focusing on how to make my goals come to reality...

Thank You Everyone...
Let's Live On and Love More!!

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