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It is true that at time we get rejected, it could either be in a relationship, at work or in our businesses, whichever one you got rejected at, you will know that it really hurts so bad to be rejected.

Let me take just a little example in terms of relationship, it's just a little story I hope you all will have a good answer at the end of this story. Imagine a guy actually likes a lady but he's afraid of approaching her especially when the two are very close friends, so because of the friendship, he didn't want to go further so he won't lose his friend but the closer they get each day that passes by, the deeper he falls for the young lady. He tried everything possible to control himself in order not to ask the lady out and to do that, he had to avoid her by all means. The lady usually goes to his place to visit, since he doesn't want his relationship with the lady to come to an end because he doesn't know what her reaction would be when I makes the bold step.

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He thought that staying away from her would change everything but instead he was missing her each day, he told his friend and they advised him to try his luck since the lady in question is always visiting, so it was assumed that she also liked him too. He finally made the bold step on a faithful day when she visited him as usual, she was very surprised at what he was saying because she never saw it like that, she only liked him as a friend not the other way around. The lady gave him her reply, saying that she won't date him because she took him as family and as a brother and as such, she doesn't have feelings for him. At first he was ashamed of himself to have come out like that, he felt so rejected that for the first time of asking a lady out, he was rejected and he promised never to do such again.

His actions made the lady to limit the way she visited him and many things changed, especially the girls character towards him, they weren't as close as they used to be and it hurts the guy everyday knowing fully well that he has lost his friend and a lover 😣. In this situation, what do you think the guy should have done? I will leave this for you all to answer.

Now back to my own story of rejection, I don't know of I should say it was a rejection or not. Back then when I was working after my ND, I made a suggestion to the HOD in the laboratory and she was so happy that I could come up with something like that. It was a suggestion on how to improve the works in the laboratory and how we can carry out some of the test that we normally send to another Lab due to lack of equipments and reagents. She liked the idea, so she told me to write a later to the medical director on our plans which I did. After everything, I submitted it to the medical director and he said he would get back to us when he's done with it.

I was expecting a positive answer only for him to reject my proposal the next day. I was only looking for a way to make the laboratory better and bigger and it was for the betterment of everyone but he didn't accept, so what do you have me do, I had to lay low and focus on what we normally do. Although I was hurt because for the first time of bringing a proposal, I got rejected 😣 but I still continued my work. My HOD saw how hurt I was, so she said to me that not everything goes the way we plan and I shouldn't feel bad because they're still other plans that will be accepted.

I didn't stay hurt for long because it's something we get to face each day of our lives. I needed to get things behind and focus on my work which I did and with time I overcame it.


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