Peace is always the best option

Hello Everyone in this beautiful community,

I hope this post met you all well.


Nobody really love the Aftermath of war or conflicts, regardless of it outcomes, there is is Pain, destruction and grief at its aftermath.

The concept of peace and war goes way beyond physical contacts, sometimes it can be psychological and emotional, sometime it's spiritual and physical, depending on the context, but I will just go with the physical context.
Peace can be defined as a state of quietness, tranquility and lack of violence. When there is peace in a place there is usually no tension or panics around that place. Peace is a state of calmness and no disturbance or fights.
When there is no peace, there is war or conflicts.


Sometimes the thin line between Peace and war is just Sacrifice and understanding.
Here in Benue one of the Major cause or Conflicts and crisis is Land Ownership,
Since many of the residents here are farmers, land related crisis is nothing surprising.
Communities and local governments sharing boundaries are one of the top in the list, especially when ethnicity and tribalism comes in.
I see the State Government put in many measures to Cub such fights.
The Government tried to create some physical boundaries between them, some places that proves too stubborn, the Governor usually builds structures on them, but no matter how hard the State government put effort to curb such issues the more people keeps fighting and killing themselves.


I looked deep into the issue and saw that 80% of this types of problems can be solved by just understanding and tolerance between the two parties. If only they can hear each other out and then find peace with the efforts and sacrifices made.

I had an experience in which I had to sacrifice and act like a fool just to avoid any fight in one of My POS stand.

I remember when there was a renovation of the Yam market, and there was a restructuring of the stalls and Stands where people were selling before, one of my outlet in the Market too was removed and we were told to pay some amount in order to get a good location in the market. Although the prize for securing the location in the Market was very exorbitant , I paid the money without no delay.
Haven paid the Market committees, a man directed me to the place where I am supposed to have my outlet located,He showed me the place am to stay , He marked the surrounding and that was everything that is needed for the location. Immediately we reached the located two other market committee came around and Told me frantically that I will have to go to the back of the market, because they have already set apart that place for another person.


It was a crazy experience, deep in me I wanted to unleash every demons out, and scatter the whole Market relocation, but my spirit was telling me to be calm and not engage in any form of fight with them. I followed my spirit and I didn't engage anyone with any talks I just rather follow them to the new place.

The Turn of Event.

To my Greatest suprise, that new location was one of the best outlet I ever had, in fact all the other people on that other locations were complaining of low patronage.
I will always choose to avoid war especially when I noticed something can be done to avoid such

Thanks so much for your time❤️

Do have a lovely day.

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