All I ever wished for in Christmas

Good day Everyone, Welcome to My Blog ❤️😎,

We are in a period of Festive period now, December is a month filled with so much Holiday and Special Events. We all love Holidays lol, unless you a super workaholic.
My favourite event of the year is Christmas and New year. Christmas especially is one of the best time of the year for me, because of the spirit of Christmas which is Love, Care , Togetherness and HAPPINESS.

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During December time, families comes together, Have great times with eachother, pray together, eat together, gift each other things, share their experiences all through the year. I don't know if this is what other countries from the other continents does too, but here in Africa we do that a lot.
In Nigeria During Christmas period, people travels from a very far distances just to meet and Celebrate their families, friends and Loved ones. It is a tradition here. In fact people from the community or Street exchanges gifts, foods and present to eachother.
If i can remembered vividly, there was one Christmas where, our parlour and kitchen where so full of Food and gifts from people to us, it was so spectacular.

Let's quickly delve into the Prompt of the day.

If you were to make a wish this Holiday, with a guarantee that it would come true, what would the wish be?

I would wish for my Dad and Mom to be finally back together.
This is a personal issue that bothers me a lot, my Mom and dad have been separated for Up to Ten years now, Every effort from me, my siblings or the Family to get them to settle was in vain. My parents family members too tries to bring them back, all efforts proofs futile.
Although they are both not remarried or things of some sort. The reason for the separation can't be discussed here but, in all honesty it just some excuses they gave.
They have been together for more than Forty years, before the separation.
I am planning to go home for Christmas this year, but Home Is Not Home without them together.
My mum stay in her Mansion in a town in Ogun state Nigeria. My Dad is in Ikorodu Lagos..

Why do i wish for this?

Honestly I miss the Happy Moments of Being with them and my siblings, all together Happily, my sisters frustrating my life, always changing the TV stations to Zeeworld or African Magic (Some popular TV stations), when i want to watch Sports or News or Probably Discorvery Channel lol.
I missed My parents Beings there together, sharing some great life experiences to us,
Although we were not Perfect as a family, but our imperfections was perfect.
Now that my parents lives separately, i have to travel my mum side after coming Home. Sometimes My Siblings would only want to visit my mum, sometimes it is my dad, am actually not happy about that.

So for Christmas, all i wanted is for the two of them to be Back Together ❤️

Thank you all for Reading, Do have a great Week👍🙏

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