Safeguarding health with clean water.


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Clean water makes us healthy and strong and also brings satisfaction to our bodies. Also, water is important in our lives because it prevents dehydration.

Even if we can afford to spend our money on sachet water or bottled water, which we think to be safe for drinking, we are still not sure if the water is clean because most of these sachet or bottled water factories are not after your health but rather their own selfish interests to make quick money.

Most people ignore the importance of clean water because they don't see the reasons to boil or purify it. You know, we still have some people who use the earthen clay pot, and they are so common in my home town, where people store their water, and even we have people who put chlorine in their water so that it won't be contaminated.

There are some steps to take to treat water before drinking.

One of them is to always boil water. This method might be one of the most effective ways to treat our water. If we boil our water for up to one or three minutes, there's zero chance that germs or bacteria will be there or will survive unless we expose the water to a contaminated place.

  • We must make sure that we purify our water so that it is safe to drink.

  • We must always treat our water quality so that we can assess the effectiveness of the filtration system. This will help us to remove contaminants and provide clean water for consumption.

  • We should always research different water filtration options so that we can find one that fits our needs and budget.
    These are some tips to take to treat water before drinking.

  • We should always test our water to identify any contaminants or issues in it so that when drinking it, it won't affect our health. This can be done by using water testing kits or by informing some experts who know much about water.

  • We should always keep our water in a store so that it won't be contaminated, and we should also always clean our containers to store our water.

I can remember one day when we were asked to fast and my dad said we could break our fast any time if we didn’t have the strength to fast anymore when my cousins and I saw that it was already 3:00pm we thought we should break our fast but our Aunt which is my dad younger sister go against it and said we must not break our fast rather we are going to end our fast together around 6:00pm.

It was a big shock to us, Why how could she do this to us, we got perplexed the we went ahead to report the case to my dad, he said we should just let her be and that we should not say anything to her and meanwhile I’m thirsty already so my cousin and I walk out from her saying we have heard what she says.

Even when our Aunty refused both of us from breaking our fast, we still went ahead to drink water which sustained us till we finished the fasting. Like how people used to say we can go hungry for a day but we can't say we want to thirst ourselves for twenty minutes, it's impossible because without water we can't live.

Thanks for reading.

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