Maturity Vs Age.


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Good day, people of Hive, and happy new month! I pray this month brings us blessings and happiness.

In most countries, including outside countries, the age of adulthood, when a person is legally recognised as an adult, is 18 years. This age is often associated with various rights and responsibilities, such as voting, entering into contracts, making decisions about their lives, etc.

Determining the "ideal" adult age can be subjective and varies depending on culture and society. Some people argue that 18 is a suitable age because, at this age, people would be given appropriate modern education and would also be done with their secondary school and would be preparing to enter university, while others argue that 18 is too young to be considered fully mature or too young to bear the weight of adult responsibilities. If I had to suggest the ideal age for adulthood, I would say it's in the mid-20s. This age allows for more life experience, maturity, and self-discovery, and they will also be done with their education.

As we all know, maturity is not only determined by age; it's also about the interplay of life experiences, emotional intelligence, etc. Some people mature earlier due to life circumstances, while others can take longer to reach that level of maturity. Also, some may have high levels of maturity at a younger age, while others may take longer to develop maturity.

You know, in some countries, some 18-year-olds would already be married, but to me, they are still young. The reason why is that they don't know much about adulthood and maturity. But if a girl around 20 marries, it would be better because she has already experienced adulthood and maturity than that of 18, and because of that, she wouldn't be facing as many problems as an 18-year-old would.

We can see a 15-year-old boy saying some mature words that would leave us speechless, compared to how a 25-year-old guy will speak. Maturity is about being responsible and capable of making decisions by yourself, regardless of one's age. While age is just a number and not the sole determinant of maturity,.
You know that in some societies, individuals are expected to take on adult responsibilities at an early age. For example, a 16-year-old girl took on the responsibility of taking care of her 10-year-old younger brother after they lost their parents, and because of that, the girl would act maturely so that she could cater for herself and her younger needs.

The day I turned 18, I was happy, saying, "Now no one is going to dictate for me again." Unknowingly I was just deceiving myself, so one day my friend asked me to escort her somewhere when I was still living in my home town with my grandma and dad, I thought I had the freedom as have already clocked my 18 so without telling them at home I escorted her and we used up to one hour where I escorted her, I even forgot to take my phone when escorting her so when.

I got home my dad asked me where I was going and I told him I escorted my friend somewhere unknowingly my dad has already had a wire with me the next thing I saw he wiped me with the wire asking why would I go out without informing him, then I told him that why is he beating me after am not a kid that is already 18 that why is he behave like that, he replied me saying because I turned 18 doesn't mean I would dictate to myself, that as long been under his roof I have no right to dictate that I should always ask for is permission or advice that am still a kid that what if I turn 20 I won't even be listening to him again.

To me, being an adult doesn't mean we are mature, and vice versa; it's about taking responsibility and saying meaningful things. That's when people would acknowledge us as mature people.

Thanks for reading ❤❤❤❤❤.

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