The Path We Choose for Tomorrow’s World

Imagine trying to predict the world a decade from now. It's daunting when you think of the pace of change we see nowadays. It's even a much bigger challenge fast-forward fifty years. Yet, maybe it's not impossible after all. We already have one piece of the puzzle—the present.

In 2000, people didn't have mobile phones like we do now. Back then, there would be only one cameraman capturing the moment as people gyrated into a new year, a new decade. In 2024 and beyond, well, everyone is capturing the moment with their phones and hardly living in the moment. It's sad, really, but if you look at things a little closer, it's a glimpse; it's a glimpse of a hyper-connected world.

Apple is renowned for many things, and one of them is the seamless ecosystem that connects all of their devices. The way their devices connect with themselves, you can sure bet that if Apple made shoes, you'd be able to tell your weight, foot temperature, and more from your phone. Not just Apple is doing this now, and it's an example of what the world could look like 25+ years from now.

A hyper-connected society where every object—from your fridge to your windows—is connected to the internet. A world where the distinction between physical and digital life blurs even further. We sure aren't far off from that reality if you look at the trends of things. 2025 could very well be that or even more. Maybe everybody would be a Tony Stark with AI in their glasses.


Hold up! We already have AI glasses. Check out Meta's AI glasses or even their first AR glasses. By the way, here's a little more about augmented reality and how it works. Moving on...

And speaking of AI, perhaps it could even be the dawn of sentient AI. At this point, AI is doing a lot more than many of us could have imagined just five years ago. Maybe—just maybe—AI would be even greater than what it is now and be able to think, feel, or understand on a level that blows our minds, like we humans. Sounds a little bit of a stretch, but come on, we've seen this in the movies, and they're already playing out.

Take this robot built for your home as an example. It can walk, talk, and do a few things for you at home. [Mostly] runs on its own, following you and your instructions. But what if it evolves to develop intuition and just be able to think independently like us, being sentient?

To take this to another level, let's consider a world without work. Automation and AI are growing so rapidly that it could get to a point where many jobs become obsolete. That's already happening, and it would only get better or worse, depending on how we redefine productivity and purpose. There usually is a new problem with a provided solution to an already existing problem, so that implies that some doors open as some others shut. Looking ahead, however, what we know as "work" today could no longer exist in 2050.

So far, we've been all about the possibilities of a utopian world. What if things actually go the other way around and it's all dystopian instead? Mass surveillance, extreme inequality, and loss of personal freedom—technology could lead us into a rather fractured society where digital divides are deeper than ever. The rise of AI becomes more of a bane than a boon, and people entirely lose purpose or become way less connected than they are now, living in their shells through virtual environments.

The possibilities are endless. It is however important that we consider as people and individuals the path we are going to follow. 2050 will only become what we do today.

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