Greetings to you all

You are all welcome to my page for another contest organized by the #hivelearners community. The topic for this week is:

Your Favourite Sport: Tell us about that sport you love watching or playing. Tell us a little bit about it and how it is played. And tell us why you enjoy it so much.

To be honest, sport is a fascinating topic to discuss, especially among sports fans. Sports are a way of life for me. I've been involved in a variety of sports since I was a child. It was enjoyable as a child, but as I grew older, I became aware of the health benefits. So, today, I'm going to talk about my favorite sport.



Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a game which can be played by two or four players using small solid rackets to smash a lightweight ball, back and front across a table. The game is played on a hard table with a net separating the players. Except for the first serve, the regulations are as follows: players must allow a ball to bounce once on their side of the table before returning it such that it bounces at least once on the other side. When a player fails to return the ball within the regulations, a point is awarded to his opponent. In this game, Play is fast-paced and necessitates quick responses. Spinning the ball changes its trajectory and limits the options available to an opponent.

How to handle the racket

The racket is also called bat and holding the table tennis bat is one of the most essential basics of the game. A correct grip helps the player to play more shots in a better manner. While holding the bat, the fingers should be wrapped around the bat handle and the thumb closing the fist. The players should Push their hand up to the handle, so that there will be no gap between the bat paddling and middle finger. Place your index finger firmly on the backhand rubber. Once the middle, ring and pinky finger are wrapped around the handle, the thumb closing the fist and the index finger firmly placed on the backhand side providing support, then the player is ready to strike. In all, let's not forget that table tennis is a game of control and flexibility, so our fingers should be firm but loose.

Reasons I enjoy playing table tennis

For me, table tennis is a sports I can engage in, at any given time, filled with fun and keeps me away from unnecessary worries. It is less energy consuming and a very pleasant way to spend time with family and friends, but it also has surprising health advantages. Table tennis, is just like most sports, which provides excellent mental and physical stimulation, as well as aerobic exercise and social contact. Unlike many sports, however, table tennis has a low overall risk of injury.

Few reasons why we should engage in table tennis game

  • It improves balance**

Table tennis helps it's players to maintain balance and able to quickly change direction. Without enough balance, the player will miss the strikes of the ball.

  • Improves hand-eye coordination
    It helps one to have high level of concentration and focused at all time.
  • Very easy on the joint**
    Table tennis does not stress the joints and it is very good For those who have problem twisting their ankles, back pain and those who has undergone kneel surgery.

I love this sports much because it is one of the sports that has low risking serious injury. It also help in building strength, speed and agility.

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