Who is to blame?

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. For everything that happens under the sun, someone has to go in for it, which simply means that the blame game is one that has been in existence since time immemorial; even Adam and Eve played the game. The blame game most of the time comes into the picture when things go wrong; nobody wants to go in for whatever has gone wrong, hence the blame game and looking for who would pay for whatever must have happened. The blame game is one that is never missed when it comes to a child choosing the wrong path; sometimes the child blames the parent and the parent blames the child, while the world would also blame the parent or the child.


Training up a child and ensuring that they stay on track is something that comes with a lot of difficulties, and it is hard to do because in most cases I have seen parents give their all to make sure their child amounts to something, but in the end the child ends up on the wrong path, and even with this, the society would still want to put the blame on the parents whereas they gave it their best. Child upbringing is not a one-man business; don't ever think you can do it alone, as a lot of things and people have a role to play when it comes to child upbringing.

My parents trained us with the belief that if you want your child to maintain the track you put them on, then don't train them alone. For a child to turn out well, if they really want to, then a lot of people have to play a role in the life of that child. Sometimes I see this generation of parents being overly protective of their child and fighting whoever tries to correct their child, and in the end this child grows to be a thorn in their flesh. For a child to turn out well, society, the parents, and the child have a role to play. If a child falls on the wrong path, it simply means that one of the above played their part wrongly.

The parents have a bigger role to play in the life of their child, ensuring that they pass down all the moral knowledge their child will need for the journey of life, but on the other hand, it is left for the child to accept this knowledge passed down and abide by them or go against it, as the parents don't really have a say in that. All that a parent can do is pass down the knowledge, but the child living and abiding by them is out of their hands, which is why I don't agree when people blame the parents for a child's wrongdoings until I am sure the parents failed to play their part.


So for me, if a child chooses the wrong path, it is definitely because either society affected the child wrongly, the parents failed to carry out their duties diligently, or it is the child's decision to go that path. For me, the parents are not the only ones to blame when a child chooses the wrong path, as everyone has a choice to make.

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