Texting: how I do it and how I want it done.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. The truth is that our type of person affects how we communicate both online and offline; how you pass your message is a reflection of who you are. As we go about our day-to-day activities, we get to come across different people, people with different personalities and characters; some we are compatible with and we end up becoming close friends, and some are better off as distant friends or even staying as strangers.


Growing up, I used to be a social media freak. I could spend hours online chatting and never get tired of doing so, but lately I don't find social media fun again, and if my account were a house, it'd be so dusty now as I don't frequent there anymore. I have turned into a complete ghost on social media; I can be online and people won't even know unless they text me, and I reply aside that my drive for social media died down, and I can't say why, but I am starting to like it. Now I only engage in conversations that seem interesting; there is a way a person will chat me up and I might end up not replying and staying the ghost I am. Those days I used to complain about people who don't reply to my text on social media, but funny, how I have turned into one of those people.

There are people who you meet, and the vibe feels like you have known each other for a very long time. There are some people who you must have known since even childhood, and the vibe is just off. Some people don't know how to hold a conversation, and people like that are the ones that text others the most and want you to involve yourself in a boring conversation instead of doing something that would help you.

It is the same thing with the people we engage with online; sometimes I meet people online and don't even know them in person, but the vibe and conversation are heavenly; they just know how to keep a conversation going, and you find yourself checking to see if they are online or not, while those you know in person and you probably know each other since childhood are busy replying to a long text with a thumbs up. When it comes to texting online, I have certain things I cannot entertain, and a few will be discussed below.

When texting and chatting, abbreviations are good as it reduces stress and makes it more fun, but why on earth would you hit my DM with a "GM" and expect a conversation to start from there?? What is GM? If you ask, they say it is an abbreviation for good morning. As much as abbreviations are good since it is not a formal letter, not all abbreviations are welcomed or accepted by me. Sending me a GM simply means you don't want the conversation to go on.


Also, I don't know if it's just me, but you see those that reply to a long or serious text with just "hmmm" or "okay o." After this, you are not getting a reply from me because I cannot have a conversation with myself. For a person to just reply to texts with such means you are totally in your own; it is supposed to be a dialogue for God's sake.

Another thing I hate to do is send a message when the last message is from me; I feel like I am pestering the person on the other side. I just feel like for them not to reply to the last message, sending another won't make them reply, and this has affected many friendships, but it's like a rule that guides my activity online.

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