Technology is fast growing and evolving continuously.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. Looking back to see how far we have come with technology, I doubt anyone ever thought we would come this far in such a short time. Years ago, we all had to write letters and wait for months before they were delivered, and we would still wait for months before we get a response. The truth is, within the space of delivery, even the sender might have fallen sick, but in the letter they said they were doing well, but the receiver has been made to believe that they were healthy and hearty, but thanks to technology, today we don't have to wait even a minute to get our messages delivered and receive a reply almost immediately.


Technology is moving with the speed of light. The days where we only had our legs and a few animals as means of transportation, the days where days, weeks, and even months were spent on the road before arriving at destinations, today technology has made it possible that we just spend a few hours on the road and we arrive at our destination, and today technology has as well made provisions for different modes of transportation. When we look around us, we would see that everyday technology continues to evolve, from manual cars to automatic cars, and now we have self-driven cars too, and technology is not stopping to evolve anytime soon.

Now we have artificial intelligence, which has made studies and overcoming tasks very easy, and this artificial intelligence is efficient and almost completely correct. The truth is, in time to come, artificial intelligence will be modified and improved even more. Imagine how much they serve and the type of task they can be used to overcome currently; furthermore, when they are improved and modified more, we can completely rely on them and not need to undergo certain stress to get a task done, as all we need to do is give instructions to artificial intelligence and wait for results.

Also, a few weeks ago, Elon Musk's Tesla robots were being tested and tried out; though it was not a complete success, it is a step towards the future, as the team will continue to work towards making it work, and trust me, it will be completed soon. So taking a look at what we have going on, we can say that in 2050 our whole life will revolve around technology; we might even have robots flooding the streets and offering assistance to humans; we might even even have them in our house as helpers and nannies.


In 2050, there is a high chance we might have robots replace humans in a lot of jobs in the future, though the aim of robotics is to assist humans and not replace them, but I feel robots replacing humans in the near future is nearly inevitable. I doubt people and companies will still want to employ humans if they can have machines and robots do the job at a cheaper rate and even more efficiently. Technology continues to evolve; there is no stopping that, and trust me, there are pros and cons to this continuous evolution of technology.

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