Siblings: The Only Annoying Beings On Earth

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. At some point in our lives, we all either wish for more siblings or fewer siblings, for reasons best known to us. In my case, as a child, I actually wished I was the only child of my parents. I liked when my parents attention was channeled to me and sometimes felt jealous when it was channeled to any of my siblings, so I kind of wanted everything to myself without having anyone around to share it with.

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The major reason I felt like I was better off alone was how annoying my elder sister can be; she beats the hell out of me at every given opportunity and sends me on errands while she lies down to enjoy herself. It was annoying and tiring, and I wished I was the only child so no one would send me around like I was adopted.

My parents gave birth to six children. We had three boys and two girls; I had two elder sisters until we lost the second after a brief illness. Both of my sisters were like thorns in my flesh. They exercise their power over me at every given opportunity; on the other hand, my younger siblings won't let me do the same. It went from one drama to another. With all that was happening, I thought if I was the only child, then things wouldn't be that way.

I also had a friend who was the only child. I saw how his parents shower him with all their love and attention, and I wanted the same. When me and my siblings quarreled and I told my mom I wished I was the only child, she cautioned me and, after some time, told me I wouldn't know the importance of siblings until in the future, and I boldly said how this annoying set of people would be important to me in the future.

I was just a kid and couldn't see far, but today I can boldly say, Thank God, I was not alone. Kids who are born alone carry all the responsibilities of family all alone, with no one to share their burden with. You can make friends, but none can be like a brother who has the same blood flowing through his veins.

Today, words are not enough to express the level of support I get from siblings, both financially, emotionally, academically, and in all aspects of life. The siblings I did not want back then are now my backbone and support. We work hand in hand and share ideas on how to go about doing things.

The other day I was just wondering how boring life would have been without my siblings. I'm not the type that goes out all the time, but my siblings are always at home to keep me company. If I were the only child like Little Me wanted, I would have died of boredom already, but thank God I have siblings, and I'd never wish for lesser siblings. Siblings can be annoying, but that does not stop them from being the blessings they are.

Thanks for reading my post.

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