Saving a life and having my organs live on. 

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. Having an infected or bad organ has claimed the lives of so many people; the number of people who lost their lives after fighting an organ failure is beyond imagination. Having an organ fail is one of the most dreaded diseases, as it is almost impossible to come back from that; it is draining both emotionally, physically, and most of all financially. Anyone who lacks the capacity does not stand the chance to win the fight; the news alone can break an individual because of stories they must have heard and things they must have seen for themselves.


Scrolling through social media and coming across posts from people suffering from one illness or the other associated with organ issues begging for support to help them afford the cost of treatment can be disheartening; staying on medication is expensive, and getting another uninfected organ is difficult as well, which makes any disease that affects organs a dreaded one. We all must have seen cases where people who have the money but cannot find a donor, and cases where some patients have none at their disposal; they don't have the money and no donor in sight either.

For every topic of discussion, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Tampering with the bodies of the dead is one thing a lot of people will not stand and watch happen, maybe because of their beliefs or just because they know it is bad and not something that should be done, while some won't see anything bad in it. I see tampering with the bodies of the dead as something no one should indulge in, but when we consider certain things, we might support it and let it happen, and for a good reason and not for selfish ones.

In any case, the government makes extracting vital organs from the dead a mandatory rule that must be followed. It might be a kind of disrespect to the dead, and many will definitely frown at it. I will frown at it too, but looking at it from another angle, you will see something different; in a way, it is helping humanity. It is indeed a bold step towards saving more lives instead of recording more deaths; if this is allowed, then it eases the pressure patients suffering from these diseases are put under; at least they know there is a solution in sight. Taking treatments or getting a transplant becomes affordable and not what we have today.


If the extraction of organs from the dead is allowed, then it will no longer be as expensive as it is right now, as organs will be readily available at all times. Transplanting can be made easy, and anyone can just afford one, but currently they are unavailable, and many people cannot afford it because of how expensive it is, thereby hindering them from living a good life. I don't mind having mine removed after I am dead; after all, I won't be using them anymore, so let the living have them. That way, I am saving a life even in death and probably leaving a legacy.

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