One step at a time.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. The end of the year is upon us, and most of the time, the end of the year is often used to reflect on the year, check and see how much progress one made towards achieving their goals, mistakes made, and then re-strategize and prepare for the new year so they don't go about pursuing their goals in the same manner. For me, this year was not so good; I had bad times and good times, but more of the bad times, but in all, we give God the glory. As we go about our day-to-day lives, we get to experience life; some life experiences are pleasant, and some will leave you wondering what to do next.

Image is mine.

The journey of life is never a smooth sail; there must be obstacles, and one's ability to overcome these obstacles is the only way they can experience progress, growth, and development in their life. For every obstacle we overcome in life, we are one step closer to making a dream a reality or achieving our goal. There are individuals who want to make their dreams a reality but want to do that without dealing with any obstacles or difficulties, which is impossible.

The fact that making a dream a reality or achieving a goal is difficult is why we are always advised to take it one step at a time. Making dreams a reality is difficult, and if you decide to rush it, you might just rush in and rush out without achieving your goal. When you rush, you might rush past your goal, so when one goes after achieving a goal, they need to be strategic and make sure they do it right. This year, despite the ups and downs, we have all been able to pull a few strings and achieve a few goals, if not all, of our goals for the year.

The difficult thing I have been able to do this year.

This year put me face to face with reality, and it is a year I will not forget in a hurry, but still I managed to put myself together and go after a goal I have had in mind for a very long time. From the moment I stepped into the cryptocurrency space, I have always wanted to learn futures trading. I have been on the space for two years, but I have not been able to pull that off until this year. I kept looking for someone who would help put me through since the crypto space is not one where one man can just journey into and get it together but got none until this year, when I paid for an online class.


People have always talked about how difficult it can be to understand the crypto space, and now I have seen for myself that just when you feel you know it all, you will come to realize you are still learning. I might not be a professional yet, and my trading skill still needs a lot of polishing and a lot of work, but I am glad for how far I have come. The losses in the space can be brutal too; handling that is a lot too. It might have been an easy thing for others to pull but not for me, so reflecting on this year, I am glad I ceased the opportunity to learn it when I got the chance.

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