Book Smart or Street Smart: The Truth Is We Need Both.

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Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. In order to be successful in life, one has to be either streetwise or bookwise, but in my country, you actually need both to survive and amount to anything. You need to have both and apply them when needed.

One who is said to be "book smart" is one who is intelligent and learns from written literature. one who pursues academic excellence and wishes to amount to something from the knowledge gained from the books studied. While

One who is said to be "street wise" is one who learns from their immediate environment and from the people they can find around them. The truth remains that it is quite difficult to outsmart someone who is street wise; on the street, to point out a scam, one has to be street wise lest they fall for a street scam.

Depending on only book smartness might disappoint you in some cities here in Nigeria, which is why one needs both so as to switch to any when the need arises. I have heard stories about some cities in Nigeria, such as Lagos, Delta, and a few others, where been just book smart does not really save one.

Book smart and street smart might be two entirely different things, but they are both routes to success. For one to be successful, they must be either street smart or book smart; sometimes both can serve. I have uncles who did not bother studying but are doing well in their businesses, as well as those who studied to show themselves approved and are also doing well in their white-collar jobs.

One Time Street Smartness Saved Me

A few years back, I worked with a sachet water producing company, and she was one of the marketers who go out with vans to make sales. We move from place to place, but the government officials on the road are like thorns in our flesh, always wanting us to give them tips. We are just workers, but they still insist on tips.

We kept hesitating to comply with their demands daily; little did we know they had plans, and we're waiting for the day we'd fall into their trap so they could use that as an opportunity to get what they want from us. We normally give them two bags of water for settlement, but that wasn't enough because they wanted even more.

On this fateful day, we failed to give them their regular two bags of water, and they used that as an opportunity. They collected the key to the vehicle and asked us to sit on the ground, which was very dusty. I started shouting and telling them I have asthma and I cannot sit there.

After 30 minutes of sitting on the ground, I pretended to have an asthma attack 😂. They all got confused and didn't know what to do. The driver told them my inhaler was at the factory. I already had plans with him; they told him to get the vehicle so that he can take me back to get my inhaler.

This is how we escaped them again that day because they were already demanding a huge amount of money we were going to pay to get our vehicle back, but due to the drama, we got our Fitbit back free of charge.

Thanks for reading my post.

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