Be time-conscious; time waits for no man.

Hello, everyone.


Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. Time is very important and quite expensive, though there's no price tag attached to it. Once you lose time, it is quite difficult to get it back, and most times, the price to pay once you lose time is heavy.

I have heard many people say that time is money, and I don't think they are wrong for saying that. Mismanagement of time can land one in jeopardy. We must learn to manage our time and get so good at it that we do not pay a price we cannot afford.

One time, I had bad time management.

As a university student, one must learn to be time-conscious, or else it will land you in so much trouble. I have seen students have issues with lecturers because of poor time management. Imagine coming to the class about an hour after the lecturer. Many students had to pay the price for poor time management heavily, as some got an extra year and some had to go and rewrite a course because they came late to an exam hall and were chased out.

On this fateful Monday morning, I woke up feeling so low and having the feeling that I should just miss school for one day. Once I start having this feeling, I tend to have poor time management for the rest of that day. I had classes by 8 a.m., and I woke up quite early, but that feeling kept me in bed as I was on my phone until 8:45 a.m.

I finally decided to just rush down to the class and see what was going on, only to reach there and find out there was a test going on. I missed out on an impromptu test due to bad time management. If I had been in class quite earlier, then things would have been different, but the time I was supposed to use and prepare for class I spent on my phone, and at the end of the day I put myself under pressure.

How poor time management affected me.


Poor time management leaves a mark, sometimes deep and sometimes shallow. Missing out on this lecturer's continuous assessment was surely going to affect my grades. We have three lecturers taking the course, so missing out on this man's continuous assessment means I had to work extra and make sure I didn't miss out on the continuous assessment from the other two lecturers.

My poor time management on that particular day almost dragged my grades on that particular course down the drain. I worked extra for exams just to get good grades, but as we all know, it's really the continuous assessment that serves as a boost to our grades in high school here.

I learned my lessons the hard way; the effect of poor time management left its mark on my grade. I have seen people pay for poor time management all their lives, but I thank God the price I had to pay was not so grievous.

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