Apps I never use but they are just there.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. Even before the advancement of technology, we used to have a lot of applications on our phone that we rarely used or didn't even use at all, but we just couldn't find a way to get rid of them. Despite the fact that these applications are occupying space, we still let them stay. I don't know if it is the feeling that comes with maybe one day they will be of great help, or we just cannot let go of them. Sometimes I scroll through my device and I start asking myself questions like when and how I downloaded a particular application.


Going through your phone or device, you have to find one or two applications that you have not really explored; sometimes they are applications we visit all the time, but overtime we grow out of them, and now we hardly visit them. Growing up, the only thing I used my phone for was to play games, but today, I don't even have the time for it because both online activities and offline activities keep coming in the way. Sometimes it is inevitable that along the line, some applications we could not go a day without launching become the ones we rarely use, and some that we rarely use become our everyday pill.

There are a few useless applications on my phone. I would call them useless because they are applications that, whether present or absent on my phone, really do not change a thing. Applications that I don't even know are there unless I accidentally launch them or come across them while scrolling; we all know these applications are of no use to us but still won't delete them. We just keep it on our device and keep bumping into them from time to time, as most of us feel lazy to just undergo a few steps to get rid of the application.

The screenshot below is of an application called Mi Video, which I never knew I had on my phone until writing this prompt, and I decided to finally launch it to see what it does, and it turns out to be a video player. I already have two video players that I make use of when I want to see a movie, so I wonder how this one slipped in because I don't remember adding such an application to my phone, but it has been there even before applications that I consider to be important to me. Sometimes these useless applications find their way to your device even before important applications do.

screenshot from my phone.

Another useless application on my device is the FM radio. Sometimes I wonder why manufacturers add them because I have not seen the need. Technology has evolved and improved so that one can easily know about the latest happenings from the internet without needing to waste time listening to the radio. Ever since I started using phones, I have never made use of that application, but funny how it is on every device; you just cannot escape it, even though it's useless. It will always be on your device, even before applications that add value to your life. It is useless because I don't listen to the radio, and I don't see myself ever doing that, so whether it is on my phone or not, it adds no value to me.

screenshot from my phone. The other apps there too are useless as i don't go anywhere bear them.

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