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Even though life teaches us to be as strong as a rock, and is filled with people who wants to reap all you have, there are some people who are really kind hearted to always want the best for you.

Life is filled with empty promises, selfish people, broken hope and cold hearted beasts in human form. However, there is always this God sent who knows how to be the light in any dark tunnel. Sadly, I became colder when my light passed on.

There is this man, a very elderly man who is a father figure to me. I met him when I visited my uncle. The man came from the east to Abuja for treatment.

Seated in the parlor, the presence of a figure could be felt drawing closer. His presence calm but an aura of authority was flowing. Heads up high with a calm smile showing off his good set of teeths.

Good morning sir - I said, not being able to look directly into his eyes.

He responded with a great smile. A conversation was inevitable with me not being able to maintain my composure. His aura was really commanding. Vocal representation was like a military personell who just came back from service. Not harsh, not too calm.

At last, my uncle walked in and the conversation ended.

Upstairs I went while pondering. I've got me a role model. I said to myself.

Time flew like the birds in the sky. I became used to his presence. Conversations could flow. His soft spot was spotted by me and I made sure to explore it to the fullest.

Always being humble and respectful, I gained his trust.

Stories about many things were told to me. How he served the country during the war. How he worked in the ocean. And many other stories.

My knowledge improved. Mindset changed. Perspective became broader. Began to go from being cold to being warm when people are around me. I learnt quite a lot. True kindness was seen in his gestures. Loyalty and legitimacy was learnt from him.

The relationship grew. His home became mine. His children became my siblings. His wife, my mom. He took me in as his own. Provided for me if I don't even need anything. Mentored me. Showed me roads to many things in life. Granted my wishes. Groomed me. Showed me the true definition of kindness and made me understand what it means to have a light in your heart. He made me taste the true meaning of friendship. Corrected when I go wrong and ask for my advice in something I know better. Showed me how pride ruins a man and drew me very very very close to God.

He did not only support me financially, he was a dad to me in all ramifications.

This is the true friend life eve gave me.

Even in my flaws, I was still showered with love. Corrections was the order of the day any time I did something wrong. I have not met anyone like him. He was a parent to me. He even showed more love than my dad ever did. He made me go from being a closed hearted person to being a person with a big heart. Ready to accommodate every person.

Sadly, life happened. He left with no trace. Just his corpse. Fought hard for his life but death proved to be stronger. When I heard of his death, my world crumbled. Every thing shattered. Became colder than before. The only person that really cared for me. Died. He was everything to me yaknow. I could kill for him. Sadly, I can't murder death.

Welp, I guess life always happens. It's been more than a year since his death, but. But I can not fully move on. Writting this posts makes my eyes watery. Dang. I really miss him yaknow. I'm just reminiscing about how he behaves. How funny he is and how strict he can be. Hehe. Tsk. Such a drag. I wish everyone becomes immortal yaknow. But well, things do happen. Mtchew. Life. Stupid life be taking the food ones and living the bad ones with us here.

I will have to end this post here. I can't continue anymore.

Thank you for reading though

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