I dont want to call the world corrupt, but then, human greed has taken over, making it difficult to locate the very few people that have good hearts.

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The high rate of criminal acts is skyrocketing with no hopes of it stopping. People are manipulative, hurting other people just to get their stomachs full and to get what they need.

In a world where humans are top of the food chain, selfishness, greed and hatred for one another has taken over, making it difficult to survive without looking into the illegal part.

As if complaining about illegalities is not enough, some film producers has taken it upon themselves to promote these illegal actions (ranging from local shop burglary, to national and international bank heist), through movies. There are many of such movies, movies like The bank job, Masterminds, Rob the mob and the list goes on. Some of these movies were made to portray the robbers as good guys.

Movies, have a huge impact on chilren. The type of movie that children see, have a way of indirectly adding to their personality. If you notice, after kids finish watching an interesting movie, they tend to mimic the main character or one of the characters they find cool in the movie.

I see these type of movies, where robbers are made to look good (money heist) as a huge problem to the community. I have seen money heist. It is really an interesting movie, and i watched all of the seaons without missing an episode. I was really happy to see Berlin again. But, the message that the movie was passing was not a good one.

In this series, the community was greatly influenced by the robbers. It made the community not to co-operate with the police. they even turned agaisnt the police.
When i was watching the movie, for no obvious reason, i undoutedly supported the criminals without a second thought. Hoping that they escape the police, and i know that i am not the only one that felt this way.


See the effect? This kind of thing may make people want to mimic such actions in real life. Being a driving force of a robbery that may claim the lives of people.

Another thing i will say about this is that, making such movies can have a positive impact on the society, depending on the motive behind the producers actions. The storyline matters a lot.

The movie can be made in a way to teach the community about the dangers of doing such things, It should be a medium of communication between the film makers and the community and world at large, whereby the film makers continually stress on the negativities that comes with illegalities.

I this way, such a movie can have positive impact to the community and the world at large.

I do not think life will be better if such movies are removed. It is inarguable that these type of movies are one of the most interesting types of movies to watch. Instead of totally removing the movie, I think the story line can be changed to a more educative one that will remove the zeal of wanting to mimic the illegal things that is done in the movie.

Thank you for reading.

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