What we do in life, is largely dependent on the morals, and values, imbibed in us from our parents.

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The ability to make choices and live by the choice we made, is greatly determined by our past experiences. Good or bad, it has a way of shaping our personality. Either giving a personality disorder, or helping to attain a top notch, mental health.

Some people are born intl a vegan home, thus, they become vegans themselves. Some choose to become vegans, with he excuse of preserving the lives of animals. Welp, just so you know, plants are equally living things, so, it will make a lot of sense to preserve the lives of plants too. Don't you think?

I was not born to a vegetarian home, and I don't have any relatives that is a vegan.
My family eat vegetables, and we also eat meat. Sometimes, we combine both in one meal.

I didn't care what we ate, vegetable or meet, I just want my stomach filled. thats all
When I was a kid, I always cry every time I see my parents killing a chicken. That will not stop me from eating it though.

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Throughout my life time on earth, thoughts of being a vegan has never crossed my mind. I always go with what the Bible say; Arise, kill and eat.

I don't know why, but, the thought of being a vegan, has never crossed my mind, maybe it's probably because of my love for meat, or something. On the other hand, I equally love to eat vegetables, once in a while. Maybe once or two times a week, I get some vegetables from the market, and cook it like that.

I can never try to be a vegan. Live completely without meet or animal products, is something I can't bring myself to try. I love meat, I love eggs, I love cheese and all these food. Yes, inarguably, being vegan comes with many health benefits, but, I'm not just in for it. I can't do it.

I can only, hardly, be a vegan, if I have a medical condition that contraindicates meat and other animal products. Except that, I am good with eating what I eat.

I can actually try being vegan for just one meal, that is during dinner. And I will make sure I sleep immediately, to avoid being hungry later in the night. I can't last 3 hours when I eat vegetables for dinner, because I will become hungry again, and my appetite will want to eat a spicy and proteinous food.

Comparing being vegan and eating meat, I will say that, the health benefits of both type of meal, is dependent on the individual. For obsessed people, being vegan can be very helpful to control their weight. It will help them with their diet control, and ultimately, loss weight with time.

I would not recommend vegetarianism to a person that is malnourished, because they need the nutrients from animals to survive

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