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Being a grown up comes with a lot of tasks so accomplish. It is worst when you chase a career because you have to always multitask.

Most of the times, it is really difficult to maintain a sense of balance because you actually need to put in more time in one thing than you put in the other. Most times, our work life takes most of our time, leaving us with less time to take care of ourselves. This is the reason you will see a professor with bushy hairs all over their faces. Hehe.

Keeping track of personal life while working to put food on the table of your loved ones and acquire material things is really difficult to do. No matter how hard one tries, it tend to be really stressful and more or less overwhelming to combine and maintain different things, this maintaining a sense of balance. It takes a very disciplined person to main these things yaknow. There are many things to do, ranging from work, friends, family and even relationships (the most stressful after work).

I initially find it very difficult to maintain all these things at once. What I use to do was to ditch one thing so I can face the other. This has made me to always loose friends because I am always busy with work. I did not even have time to spend on anything, not even myself. During the weekends, I spent it evaluating my week and resting afterwards which always makes I schedule really tight.

After a while, I realized that I have lost quite a number of friends and I decided to work on myself.

The main thing that helped me keep a balance was to always plan everything I do. To schedule my activities, including when I ate. It was really frustrating at the beginning but it gradually helped my kept a work - life balance.

Every week, I make a schedule of everything I needed to do. I will draft it and pin it to my wall. When I wake up every day, the first thing I do after praying was to schedule my activities for the day. I use 30 minutes of my time to list every single thing I needed to do that day. Every single thing including eating, bathing, going to work, accomplishing a task at work, time to come back from work, talking to people, after work, washing plates, and other minor things. The most interesting thing is that I set a timer for every single action. From 7am to 2:30pm, I have gone and came back from work e.t.c. if I fail to comply with this, I will always look for one way or the other to punish myself for breaking the cycle.

Scheduling myself in a timely manner has helped me organized myself and also improve my work - life balance. I have set time to get a haircut, to relax and do other things for my self. It has improved my life a lot and has made me successful to a good extent.

Though it seems like I am just going round a boring cycle of life, I feel like this boring cycle of always planning my life has been of good help to me. Every body now knows whe to call and get me, every body now knows when I am available to interact and when I am not. Every one knows their place and tend not to cross the line. It has been really great yaknow and I am very happy for what I have achieved so far.

Looking in the nearest future, I do think that this cycle will last because it has helped me stop being as lazy as I used to be when it comes to my personal life. I am now looking into my life more and taking good care of my self more than before. Based on this, I believe that this way of life will last.

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