Wish I Could Avoid These 3 Things

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All humans have emotions, which means we are all subjected to feel a certain way (whether like or dislike) towards a particular situation or object. There are various factors responsible for the feeling of dislike in every individual, and so I can dislike something and the person next to me might like that particular thing.

They say a man who stands for nothing falls for anything, so yeah they are some things I dislike too. The reason I dislike some of these things is because I have experienced them in the past but I do not wish to experience them again. So what I would be listing below are my personal opinions, which some may consider weird, lol.

Below Are 3 Things I Dislike With Passion

Bullies And Disrespectful People

Most people have this mindset that only the rich and powerful people in society deserves respect, but in my opinion, that shouldn't be the case. Everybody, especially those of good conduct and behavior deserves to be respected regardless of their strength or financial status.

Some of the illegal activities we see on the street today could have been avoided if only we had shown some level of respect to everyone equally. Society have made it a culture to always compare those that are not wealthy to those that are wealthy, forgetting that not everyone is supposed to be rich.

I have seen a case where an armed robber started killing and stealing from others because he was seeking the quickest means to make money and become rich. When the armed robber was caught, he said he went into stealing because he was tired of being disrespected by everyone because of his financial status.

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I believe the world would be a safer place for us all, if only we are able to show respect to everyone equally regardless of their strength or status. There's this anger I always feel whenever I see a well behaved person being disrespected, probably because he isn't strong or wealthy enough.

I equally classify bullies into these category because they tend to always find a way to oppress the weaker individuals and make them feel inferior. I hate it whenever I see or hear cases of bullying, and maybe the reason for my anger is because I have had the experience of bullying back in the military school and it isn't something I would wish for anybody.

I Dislike Waking Up Too Early

Yeah, I told you that some of my dislikes might seem weird to you, lol. All my life I have woken up more than 8,000 times and yet I am still not used to it. They say "early to bed early to rise," but in my case I usually sleep late, so I wake up late too.

Medical research has shown that we need up to 8 hours of sleep to stay healthy, but growing up I didn't enjoy this privilege of a good sleep. Back then in military school we slept by 1:00 AM in the mid-night and wake up by 3:00 AM, barely 2 hours of sleep for 6 year is what has made me to dislike waking early.

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Many might see it as laziness for loving to wake up late, but I can't help it. I won't consider myself a lazy person, many am just trying to make up for all the sleep I have missed during my time in the military school for 6 years. Although I love waking up late, but the nature of my work and duty demands I wake up early, so I am yet to even enjoy having a good sleep.

I Dislike Homeworks and Examinations

Am I the only one that finds reading and preparing for examination a stress to my mental wellbeing? Have you ever combined training with studies? If yes, then you would know what I mean when I say I dislike examinations and homeworks.

I am someone that gives my 100% to whatever I do, so whenever it's exam period I am usually mentally stressed out because I won't mind reading from night till dawn. I procrastinate alot, which means the night before exams is when I would study everything I was taught for the last 12 weeks, and it always affects me.

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Mental stress is the hardest to endure, so you shouldn't blame me for disliking some of these things, as they tend to affect me mentally, and am just trying to prevent that, nothing wrong with some of them.

I appreciate your time around here❤️:-)

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