Talking Bitcoin Like Am Satoshi

I have entered trouble and fought with friends because of Bitcoin. Ah, I have done and said the unthinkable for a coin I never had in my wallet 😂. If for any reason I was kidnapped, I believe my adopters would fight with me to stop talking, because I won't allow them to discuss anything else.

For me, It all started in the 2019-2020 period, when a senior friend of mine was always disturbing my ears with crypto mining, and Ethereum Smart Contract talks. I never paid attention, because I thought it was another Ponzi scheme that would end up causing me pain.

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Just while I was still doubting the possibilities and advantages that come with cryptocurrency, the COVID-19 pandemic struck, and everyone was told to stay in their homes. No movement means no job, and no job means no money.

Everyone in my area began seeking online jobs and tradings that would fetch them some income. That senior friend of mine was also busy with some online jobs and trade. I had no option but to go back to my friend, and with all humility, I asked him to teach me about cryptocurrencies and trading.

My friend gave me a background lecture about cryptocurrencies and trading, especially about Bitcoin, and I took it personal from there. It was as if a new chapter of my life had opened, and I started seeing myself as an investor. I told my other friends to call me a "crypto guru". In fact, to this day, I am still called "BTC Lord" in my area.

I would be in the midst of my friends, who in most cases love talking about girls. While we are enjoying the conversation about ladies, I would interrupt them with a question like "What are your plans for the future of money"?

I know exactly how to get them interested in my analysis and explanations. So I would tell them that in the near future, there won't be a need for all this physical and traditional money we are using now. I would tell them that technology is gradually taking over the world, and very soon, we all would be in control of our money and not the government.

I would usually gather pieces of information about the latest news on the adoption of Bitcoin into a system. There was a time when a big and popular supermarket adopted the use of Bitcoin as one of their payment methods, and I took it very personally.

I went further to do more research on how to trade and understand market strategies. It was as if I just discovered something no one else knew. "Am I the only one seeing the big picture of how Bitcoin would revolutionize the world someday"- I thought to myself on one occasion.

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I was so enthusiastic about Bitcoin, but I was not as rich as I proclaimed to be at that time. There was a day I got into a serious fight with my best friend because he challenged my intelligence and stands on Bitcoin.

I asked him to lend me some money, but he kept asking me silly questions that almost drove me crazy. He asked why Satoshi Nakamoto would create a coin and disappear without a trace if his intentions were legit. I answered and explained everything to him, but he ended up telling me to go meet Satoshi Nakamoto to lend me the money. Well, to cut the long story short, we ended up fighting, lol.

I had not gotten any funds from any crypto project, but I was naive, I said and did a lot to support the cryptocurrency movement in my area. Although most of my actions and speeches were unnecessary, they should tell you the level of enthusiasm I showed for the topic of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies at large.

Even to this day, I still love the topic of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin. Whenever I hear Bitcoin, it is as if they are calling my name. I just believe I can answer any question regarding the topic of Bitcoin as if I were Satoshi Nakamoto, lol.

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