Schedule Out Time For Play

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Have you ever heard of the word "workaholic"? That was exactly who I was a few years back. I gave my whole time and energy to working for a better future, but it ended up costing me my health before I learned my lesson.

When I got to 18 years of age, I was burdened with the thought of creating a good and comfortable life for myself and my family members. My Dad was a civil servant but his salary wasn't enough because the economy of the country was not smiling on its citizens, hehe.

I started seeking ways to make and save lots of money for the future. This zeal of mine to make it big drove me into doing odd and difficult jobs that I wasn't even strong enough to do. I moved from some of these odd jobs into driving a tricycle, and it was really a time consuming job for me.

I would wake up by 5 AM and start working till around 9-10 PM every day. The worst part about my hustle back then was that I barely ate food even though I had the money. I would prefer to sacrifice my hunger and save money instead. It was obvious that my priority was mainly the work I did, because I had no time for fun or games, hehe.

But just while I was thinking I was on the right path and every other person having fun was wasting their time, I got very ill and the doctors confirmed that I had been neglecting and stressing my psychological, mental, and physical wellbeing all in the name of work.

It was really not an easy period for me at that time because all my savings weren't even enough to treat me. It was after the doctors told me how to balance the line between work and health that I realized I had been on the wrong path all along.

I know that everyone wants to achieve their dreams as fast as possible, but being a workaholic and not balancing it with a healthy routine is not the best way to go about it, because it might even cost you something more precious than money, just as it did to me.

Even though am currently in the military where our work demands all our 24 hours a day, I still find a way to balance the line with my health life because I have learned these things from experience. Whenever am on duty, I still take out time to sleep and rest my brain.

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When I realized that combining my job with writing blog posts on the Hive blockchain was consuming most of my time, I quickly took a break from blogging for a while until I was mentally ready. And it works like magic every time because whenever I come back from my short breaks, I become even more creative.

Two of the major ways the doctors advised me to keep the balance between my work and my health were exercising regularly and eating lots of fruits and natural foods. Trust me when I say these things significantly improved my mental, psychological, physical, and even spiritual wellbeing, hehe.

Even though my current workload demands all my attention, I still make sure I don't miss out on one or two days in the week for fun and games. Somedays I would schedule a time that I would go swimming with my friends, and it has been helping my general wellbeing tremendously.

I have observed that in most cases, our work keeps us in one place or position for too long, which isn't a healthy practice if you do your research. That's why I don't fail to close out the last day of every week with a Saturday morning jog.

I appreciate your time around here❤️:-)

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